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Hacking and Security / Re: Image Galleries
« on: March 10, 2012, 03:01:56 AM »

Axon,That's quite rude. I might be new to this forum, but I don't remember directing aggression or arrogance to you or anybody. If this is your way of expressing yourself then so be it, but I wasn't claiming to be a 1337 hax0r and like I previously said, I'm not trying to make some cash.

I had a genuine question, and I posted it.
Also that troll face is also getting really annoying.

my two cents.

Hacking and Security / Re: Image Galleries
« on: March 09, 2012, 06:14:49 PM »
It was never my intention to sell pictures!
I just wanted to see my own without having to hand over an atrocious amount of money for a single image.

The second link was just some information I thought would be important.
I just thought most websites always password protected their directories.

Anyway. Not trying to sell anything or make a quick buck here. There's a picture of my face on it, so i'm just trying to get at it.

The reason I say that the image directory is located at is because all the thumbnails lead to this directory

That's all I'm able to discern anyway.
Still can't find the picstures!


Hacking and Security / Image Galleries
« on: March 09, 2012, 05:33:25 PM »
Say there is a company that takes pictures of contestants in an event (Marathon, races) and sells them at 25 bucks for a picture. Is there a crawler to get to the directory where they store the pictures?

I obviously do not have much experience, so I can't get very deep at all. should be the directory.

I don't believe that the site is very secure since they don't password protect their directories and I am able to access


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