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Messages - Phanotronic

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: Maybe You Guys Can Help Me With This Problem?
« on: February 08, 2012, 01:17:05 AM »
No idea what is wrong with the current one, sir. But, okay.

Hacking and Security / Re: Maybe You Guys Can Help Me With This Problem?
« on: February 07, 2012, 06:15:50 AM »
They don't care anymore. I just came here because I couldn't get past something, and most people you meet in real life who are computer "savvy" are major tryhards who really don't know a damn thing.

So, I came here. I just want to know what I could do to increase my reward point count to whatever and it actually work.

I honestly don't know how to explain it, I am new to this field.  8)

Hacking and Security / Re: Maybe You Guys Can Help Me With This Problem?
« on: February 07, 2012, 05:44:33 AM »
Awww, shit. My bad. Well, any help would be appreciated. If you want to make me work for it, I will, is what I should have said. I just want to know if it will at all be possible; I don't want to waste time on the impossible.  :D

Hello, I am very new to the site, but might not be to new after a while. This isn't an introduction, :P so I'll move on...

There is a very popular video game I play, it is the online add on known as Metal Gear Online for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
Well, the game is very dead, but I still enjoy it, and the thing that makes me enjoy it is the character customization. You buy gear with "reward points" on the Metal Gear Online reward shop. Well, saving rewards takes literally forever, I mean it would take me 3 months to reach 50,000 reward points, and most of the good items are literally that much.

So, I said "fuck this," and looked into ways to give myself more rewards on the site and it actually work when I login to my account on the PS3. Or, reduce the prices of all the items to maybe 1 reward point and just buy the whole shop.

I tried "tamper data" on Mozilla Firefox, I tried swapping the expensive items with cheap items, but it didn't work (it was all gibberish to me ;]). Then, I looked into sql packet injection. I watched many youtube videos, and I did the source of the website, copied it to a notepad, and edited it the way I wanted it, giving myself 5000000000 reward points. However, when I put the document in my URL, it wouldn't work passed the first page it brought up, very disappointing.

I have tried searching many things on the internet, and I have yet to find a way to successfully get this to work.

The people that offer programs to hack it usually just want your GAME ID, required to login to Metal Gear Online.

So, I come to you guys, and I am sure you guys are a smashing bunch of fellas who can help me, right?

I don't want to be baby-fed. I want a learning experience. Such as, "this is what you must do, now do it." Then I do it and it works. :D
But, anyway that you can help me, would be greatly appreciated.


PS. here is the site link

Pages: [1]

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