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Messages - irenicus09

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Scripting Languages / [Python] Gen2k (Automated Wordlist Generator)
« on: June 26, 2013, 06:49:02 PM »
Hello guys, this is pretty much my first useful post in this forum.

Okay first of all, it's a simple tool & uses basic algorithms.

Gen2k is still in beta, but works flawlessly as of now. It’s not your typical word list generator, and doesn’t intend to be one. There are already good ones out there like Crunch, etc.

Gen2k aims to be a smart word list generator, it takes sample words as input. Sample words can be anything that you know about the target, from area, date of birth to names & special events, etc. Once a list of all those known words have been supplied to Gen2k, it automatically, based on the options set..determines the best possible way to make a word list out of those.

As many of you know, people tend to use birth year, specific dates, random numbers, custom words attached to simple words in order to make their passwords more complex. Gen2k aims to exploit those types of weaknesses along with conversion of words to upper & lower cases to make your word list completely personalized & appropriate for the situation.

It has most of the features that I thought of implementing when I started working on it and obviously it can be improved further. It’s written completely in Python. It’s fast, light weight & doesn’t have any external dependencies.


* Generates password combinations by combining supplied words.

  * Mixes frequently used number patterns with words.
  * Generates password combinations using year/date combo.
  * Mixes custom user defined value(s) combination with words.
  * Option to auto convert words to upper/lowercase & capitalisation.
  * WPA/WPA2 password validation check.
  * No external dependencies.

Link to KODE -->

Okay this tool is just a beta version, obviously I coded it personally for myself to get the job done as I didn't see any relevant tools available. But I'm interested in what you guys have to say about it & if you'd want new features implemented, etc.

If you'd want to read about the tool in details you can visit my blog here:

Also I'm aware that there may be memory related bugs if the wordlist is really big, I hope to fix that soon.


Operating System / Re: Which Linux flavor should i go with?
« on: June 07, 2013, 07:51:21 PM »
Everyone here seems to kiss the Linux kernel's ass, but is there even a single BSD user in this forum?

I am seriously considering switching to a BSD variant, likely FreeBSD.

I love Freebsd, other than that I also tried Ghost BSD which comes with Gnome2.x

In terms of security, BSD's are more secure by default (out of the box) but Linux Distro's like Gentoo can also be configured to get to that point.

Personally I'm not a big fan of BSD's if we're not talking about servers, cos I want bleeding edge software and don't wanna wait a decade to get support for my hardware or the latest greatest stuff.

Try BSD yourself before judging others.


Operating System / Re: Which Linux flavor should i go with?
« on: June 07, 2013, 04:12:41 PM »
It came without the capability of playing mp3s and a lot of other media which was seriously odd. Also trying to get VB running is a bit of hassle but i'm sure i'll get it down soon :)

There you are wrong my friend. You can play mp3's and whatever video / audio formats you want, just install the proprietary codecs through your package manager. I've never used Opensuse & stopped using Ubuntu after not sure how to help you, but you can always google you know :)

I'm now a permanent resident in the land of Gentoo, and when I was at your stage I was always distro hopping around so it's not a bad thing. Experiment & look around...find the distro of your choice...but remember one thing: Do not judge a distro based on it's looks.

If you understand linux you'll never feel the need for windows, other than gaming and stuff. It's better in every possible way I can imagine: speed, performance, stability, security, etc.

As for visual basic, forget it. It was meant for windows dev anyway, and there are better IDE's & even cooler, cross-platform languages.


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