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Messages - I_Learning_I

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Hacking and Security / Re: My all kit.
« on: March 12, 2014, 01:27:22 PM »
Fort knox check.
NSA (Langley) check.
CIA (Langley) check.
Was much easier than i expected, walked to the front gate and asked to get it to steal classified material. They thought i was joking so they let me in. Izi.
next step: Evilzone (Ande's house).

Hacking and Security / Re: My all kit.
« on: March 04, 2014, 03:53:03 AM »
No RFID cloner, lockpicks, door jams, wireless cameras, digital voice recorders, multi-tool, gps dongles, police scanners, binoculars, rope ladder, or duct tape? What is this shit.

Hmmm about that list:

Want/Need everything except the last 3.

I'm not planning on actually using many of these things, or at least not in any criminal way, but in case I ever need to, gotta be prepared!

I'd definitely have to say that a lockpick set should be included in any halfway decent hacking kit.
I know right! What power goes down, crack old school!

Hacking and Security / Re: My all kit.
« on: March 04, 2014, 12:03:03 AM »
Ok thanks for the tip, I'll look it up! ;)

High Quality Tutorials / Re: An Introduction Into Web Exploitation
« on: March 03, 2014, 11:14:03 PM »
I'm not opposing having the same information per se, even if I find it redundant and other places might have been up longer and will be for a longer time as they belong to company's that actually make money based on this kind of information.
Even so, if you want to make a TuT about this why not use your own words and ideas? If you start something the wrong way, how do you expect to finish it the right way?
I truly consider starting with a copy paste a bad start as when you try to add something you will have to do it according to what has been written already, you have to revise everything, etc... and in the end who will claim credit for it? multiple unknown people. Just my opinnion.

Also there's already LFI/RFI/SQLi/XSS guides in this forum-

C - C++ / Re: [C++] Ip Class + Ip Generator Functions
« on: March 03, 2014, 09:48:43 PM »
A huge part of this could easily be replaced with 4 for's + 1 evaluation function.
Adding the input and making some ugly global variables.

Code: [Select]
    bool bFor1=true;
    int iFor1=23;
int iValue(){ //Here would take parameteres boolean and initial value

    return iFor1;
    return 0;
int main()
  for(int i = iValue();i<255;i++){
       cout<<i<<" ";
   return 0;

High Quality Tutorials / Re: An Introduction Into Web Exploitation
« on: March 03, 2014, 09:14:28 PM »
Even though I appreciate the share I would rather have a (simple and small) list of topics on the website and have the link towards it, rather than a huge copy/paste.
Unless this is to become an archive/copy.

Much of this information is on OWASP and many other hacking websites, none of this is even hard to find.

The hardest part for anyone starting in this area is to:
a)Find out what this area is called (Web exploitation is hard to get to, when most people search for hack site)
b)Knowing the language they're exploiting.

Hacking and Security / Re: Linux RAT
« on: March 03, 2014, 09:04:17 PM »
Would personally configure a second SSH(d) running on some obscure UDP port connecting back to a central point isolated in jail or something along those lines.
This is what I was talking about. The thing is you would still have to have the port not reply/firewalled (in case of an NMAP scan), which means you would probably also need to configure something on iptables, but then again the configuration would pop up and would be noticeable if you ever got hacked.

General discussion / Re: Topic Deletion
« on: March 03, 2014, 01:31:15 AM »
nobody is going to share a private exploit if they know of one
That's mean.
I would gladly share it, if I knew of one.
Sharing is caring. Full Disclosure FTW

Though maybe there could be an option when deleting a thread to send (or not) a PM giving the reason.

News and Announcements / Re: HTTPS Fully up and running
« on: March 03, 2014, 01:10:04 AM »
Even without wireshark or anything Mr Google Chrome is telling me there's non secure data being transferred.
Doesn't accuse any problem with certification tho.

Hacking and Security / Re: Linux RAT
« on: March 03, 2014, 12:51:10 AM »
I will sort of HiJack this thread and take it on a different direction, the one I thought the thread was about.

What about making a "RAT" for Linux?
Sure you can configure SSH or telnet and just use it, but what about an "hidden" connection? Create another SSH/telnet user that can only be seen by a certain user or edit/add .php files being ran by Apache to allow remote control (I believe this would have to be a poorly configured server)

I do believe all these files need to be sudo'd in order to be edited, so unless there's a jailbreak or you "bind it" should be impossible.

Care to comment?

Hacking and Security / Re: My all kit.
« on: March 02, 2014, 11:10:43 PM »
I wish I could give you a HUGE cookie for this.
Initially I was thinking about just buying out stuff, but I believe you're right, if I'm going to read about it I should probably make my own stuff (at least those that I can and understand!).

Thank you very much, sir!

They are crackable as long as they are based on either the integer factorization or the discrete logarithm problem, in which case they can be cracked by Shor's algorithm in complexity class BQP.

Your second paragraph concerns symmetric encryption, which is true. However, Grover's algorithm can effectively cut the key size in half by offering a mechanism to search unsorted databases in faster than linear time.

I had no clue about that what so ever, thanks for the explaining! I'm going to do some research about that, but can you tell me which algorithms are currently being used that use Integer Factorization or Discrete Logarithm? ( I should find some of them sooner or later, but this kind of information is usually pretty hard and requires a lot of knowledge to understand it, which I lack)

Ok I've read a little bit more about this, and what you're saying is based on Quantic Computing , which as far as I've seen (and as been publicly released) is very far from being able to crack hash's.
Even Quantic isn't as simple as "Start!... Cracked!".

I have seen cracking RSA 4096 with a microphone, which is pretty awesome, but requires a very specific set, a bunch of software that I believe it's not available and physical access to the machine.

Hacking and Security / Re: My all kit.
« on: March 02, 2014, 04:38:10 PM »
Thank you all for your replys! :)
About the EMP yeah, that's pretty much what I read about, and was really disappointed :(
About the jamming technique I do believe it's legal here, not sure, I'm not from US and here laws are pretty loose about pretty much everything, in fact it was ruled 2 year ago that there is no such thing as illegal download so we can download whatever we want! :D

About the signal jammer I do believe I need more information (once again Hollywood in my head blocking all the signals not just 1 band).
Apparently the voice scrambler being reversible is a real thing (Hollywood being truthful!!)
When I said Radio Scanner I actually meant to read the cards that operate on I believe it's Radio frequency, might be InfraRed or bluetooth though, I meant the credit cards that can make purchases without code and you don't even have to put it in a machine. But yeah Police scanner would also be nice! Added!! :D

EDIT: Do you know of any papers good for reading about these subjects? If not I'll just Google  8)

Since it was revived, I have to ask, what do you mean by cracked encryption's?
As far as I know all asymmetric encryption are uncrackable, bruteforceable? Yes, but not crackable.
Also the bigger the encryption the less likely it is that bruteforce will do it, as we kall know, exponentially.
I truly believe this is the "TOR cracked" incident  all over again.

Also what recent incidents? (By now they should be old but w/e) the PRISM?

Hacking and Security / My all kit.
« on: March 02, 2014, 02:00:08 PM »
So since a while ago I've been thinking about getting some sort of hacking kit for pretty much all purposes, and I came up with a small list, but some of this stuff is hard to get or expensive, not to mention it's own usage questionable.

  • Signal Jammer
  • Voice Scrambler
  • EMP
  • Wireless card (most likely ALFA 1000mW)
  • Magnetic Band reader
  • Chip card reader
  • Radio reader
So... from all these, what do you guys think I should/shouldn't buy?
For example I've read that the EMP is nowhere near what you usually see on movies and TV shows and that it doesn't power off electronics or erases HDD's.
Give me your thoughts about this list!  :D

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