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Messages - darkwolfzero

Pages: [1]
Java / Re: How hard is it to code Android apps?
« on: January 24, 2012, 04:47:59 AM »
I definitely agree with techb, and what has been said so far.

again here are the important things:
-If you know java, it is easy.
-If you want to create a game use a already development game engine like libgdx or andEngine according on what you want to do, if you want 3d, use unity, except it is kind of expense if I remember right.
-The "hardest" part about android game development is dealing with all the different screen sizes and resolutions of all the android phones out there, that is why using a android game engine is highly recommended.

also, if you can figure it out, I would recommend mybringback tutorials, or the tutorials he did for thenewboston (if you like video tutorials) if you like reading, there are a lot of blog post and open source projects you can easily find what you are looking for.

good luck,

Java / Re: Question about java
« on: January 24, 2012, 04:39:59 AM »
I'm curious about this as well.  I'm currently trying to get something working with a mechanical engineer friend of mine, and I have no idea where to start.  I can program java quite well, but I have only deployed programs on computers and android.  We are looking to create a device that is controlled via bluetooth from android and to retrieve some data.  I'm just curious about what equipment we will need for the device itself and how to get the java application installed on it and how to program the device to do the actions we what it to do.  Sorry, I can't be of much help on the microwave question, but I am there with you on the curiosity level. 

Java / Re: [Help] Java development
« on: January 24, 2012, 04:34:10 AM »
This is my first post and I'm glad I found this forum.  I would most definitely second using Eclipse and I have also learn a lot about java recently using mybringback tutorials on youtube.  I haven't gotten the chance to look through the exercises mentioned in the sticky.  Also, thenewboston has some too, but they don't really show you how to use what you learn.  Good luck.

Pages: [1]

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