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Messages - Heretic

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Wikipedia will be shut down
« on: January 18, 2012, 09:50:03 PM »
Imagine the impact it will have on the markets. Stocks would plummet for companies like google, equities would be lulz and bonds wouldnt be so secure. I think that the government wants to just screw itself even more because frankly, they dont think trillions of dollars of debt is enough of a burden.

I'm American and man do I hate some of the shit that some of these people that think they are "politically educated" (because obviously Bush came into office from bull shitting through his ass and his extended connections and definitely not based on any education or any sense of leadership and Obama with his "Yes, we can" Bob the Builder slogan). Obama hasn't done even half of what he has "promised". This is not to say I am any better, but its either the people need to elect better representatives or we have a faulty system that filters out the good and keeps the bad to lead nations into constant recessions. Double recession back to back? Give it a break.

Back to connecting it to the topic, these politically leading figures are the result of both a faulty system leaving little to no choice in representation with competence. This leaves baddies in the system to make these decisions on bills like these and fuck over a nation with the opinions of just a few political bodies.

Pages: [1]

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