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Messages - XP1

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Wikipedia will be shut down
« on: January 18, 2012, 12:05:52 PM »
OK , What countries will it affect ?
H.R.3261 - Stop Online Piracy Act:

S.968 - PROTECT IP Act of 2011:

Read "(2) REASONABLE MEASURES" under "(c) Actions Based on Court Orders" in SEC. 102 of H.R.3261.
Read "(2) REASONABLE MEASURES" under "(d) Required Actions Based on Court Order" in SEC. 3 of S.968.

If you don't want to read "bill language", maybe you should read:

..., which says that both bills would:
  • Require U.S. sites and search engines to remove all links to the foreign site.
  • Require U.S. advertising services to no longer serve ads linking to the site, or display ads (e.g. AdSense) on the foreign site.
  • Require U.S. payment networks to cease any transactions between the foreign site and U.S. customers.
  • Require U.S. service providers to block customer access to the foreign site (DNS blacklisting).

Pages: [1]

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