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Messages - VoidAccess

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Hacking and Security / Re: [QUESTION] Plain Text Attack
« on: January 16, 2012, 01:57:10 AM »
I compiled pkcrack using gcc-mingw-w64. they run on my win7-64 box. Give it a try.

thanks :->

Hacking and Security / Re: [QUESTION] Plain Text Attack
« on: January 15, 2012, 10:26:49 PM »
The PKCrack website itself provides a link to the paper of the algorithm:
Read this and write your own cracker, if you don't want to use a VM.

Yah I seen that but I could not read it one bit. Do you know a place i can learn to read it

Hacking and Security / Re: [QUESTION] Plain Text Attack
« on: January 14, 2012, 11:06:26 PM »
Didn't you read what I wrote to the end? Get a VM (Virtual Machine).

Ok I dont know how to make this any more clear than without using a different OS i have VM already. I have password to the files already. I want to be able to do it for 64bit so i was wondering if there was program similar or if you know the algorithm.

Hacking and Security / Re: [QUESTION] Plain Text Attack
« on: January 14, 2012, 10:18:33 PM »
I don't get it... if there is only a 32bit version, then use an OS that is 32bits? You have 64bit, so install a VM or get some live CD bro.
You are just not thinking out of the box.

Ok...thanks for obvious answer but I want to be able to do it without changing the OS

Hacking and Security / [QUESTION] Plain Text Attack
« on: January 14, 2012, 08:33:50 AM »
I have found a password zip file and also obtained a unencrypted file that exists within the .zip file. I heard that PKCrack could get the password using this method, however, when I looked around, I could not find a 64 bit version. I also looked around for the algorithm to this method of attacking, but could only find the open source which is in language I could not read. If anyone knows another program that is 64 bit compatible or the algorithm so I could code my own in C++ or Python. Or even a better way to go about getting the password to this zip file. I know that the password should be 6 characters or less and have attempted a md5 hash brute force using ighashgpu but it failed.

*P.S.* The file is from realistic mission 15 and everyone says to use PKCrack! If you want to take look I'll attach the files. = password zip = compressed unencrypted file at 1245 size which is said to be needed

Hacking and Security / [QUESTION] How to get hash values from programs
« on: January 14, 2012, 01:36:02 AM »
How would you get hash value from a .zip file

Pages: [1]

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