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Messages - Swoosh

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: Hard cracking program
« on: February 25, 2012, 04:35:25 PM »
Well, injecting into http will be useless, but you may certainly try it of course. Each login has coherency count embedded, you will see.

Anyways, nice to see some creativity.

As for I_Learning_I :

One kill? Uhm. There was never (even in first server released 2005) an exploit that enabled you to one hit kill somebody.

Let's leave out weather or not it's worth to buy my bot - you guys already decided that by posting here. You do not need a constant internet connection to protect your program against anything. I can tell you so far, the auth only takes place once. Internally, the licence is validated several times, even while botting, using an X.509 PKI to validate the core code and the licence checking code.

Keep going, I enjoy this thread very much :)

Hacking and Security / Re: Hard cracking program
« on: January 08, 2012, 10:06:40 PM »
Lol  ;D

Nice to see someone attempting it, good luck. You are steering into wrong direction though - I do not use shitty harddrive serial number which can be changed with a hex editor. The way you are doing it currently will soon be fixed with new version.

Hint to you : Try hooking VirtualallocEX , Some protection code is injected into client at runtime and monitors Readprocessmemory/WriteProcessmemory and CreateRemoteThread Handles on Bot's Address space. It also checks number of threads, so, if you wish to inline it, you must first stop the injected code :)

Have fun - btw I use a private version of Safengine with changed Obfusication and other S-Boxes, so you will fail with generalized tutourials :)


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