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Messages - JustSomeBrHUE

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Projects and Discussion / Re: Simplest possible "pacific" malware.
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:42:28 PM »
First of all, thank you Denque and Synfer. Synfer's answer gave me the idea I need to do what I want and Denque's one made me a little ashamed for asking such a silly and confusing question without first searching more about what I am doing. Next time I'll study a little more about the subject before bother the forum, hehe. ;D

And Denque, your answer helped a lot with my project, the Morris example and the file infection strategies will surely be used in my lecture, thanks for giving to me some of your time and knowledge.

I'll come back if having new questions, you guys helped a lot!  ;D

Projects and Discussion / Re: Windows bully project
« on: February 25, 2016, 11:48:07 AM »
Answering your main question, No, I don't think it already exists, I've paste some months searching for a simple and easy tool that don't need much knowledge or skills to do such work, and if it work as you say (just plug and it's done) I'm sure it will be a popular tool really soon. I already found some programs that can do something similar, but most of them just swindle the security but still can't discover the password.

I'm just a random guy interested in hacking stuff. So if you want more trustworthy answers probably it's better to wait the real hackers.

But, let me ask you, when do you plan to put it online?  (Yes, you already got your first downloader hehe)

Projects and Discussion / Re: Windows bully project
« on: February 25, 2016, 03:32:14 AM »
It seems something really useful, can be a good tool to some people, but without a "ranged" attack option your public will be very limited. Most of the people who want to obtain someone's password don't have contact with the machine of the victim so it can be a problem to you.

But if you want to help those who lost their computer password or want to pull the leg of a friend (or enemy maybe...) it will be a really cool tool.  ;D

Oh, and i'm interested in know what are these aditional features, if you don't mind :)

Projects and Discussion / Simplest possible "pacific" malware.
« on: February 25, 2016, 01:50:56 AM »
I'm working in my TCC (i don't know if you guys have this in the USA, but it's like an one hour lecture you need to do in the end of the school year to prove you learned something) and my actual objective is the simplest possible "pacific" virus (actually, I'm trying an worm) with just windows built-in resources, like batch, powershell, vbs, etc.

Most of my malware is already done (fully in batch and powershell), but i'm having some problems with the "parasite" part, that is, how it will be activated after it infect the computer?
It already can infect the victim computer and run itself, but when the machine is turned off it need to open again, but how?

I want a "pacific" virus, so it can't be harmful or cause any damage to the computer or files, do you guys have any ideas? If possible, a example code will help a lot.

If I confused a little the question or post it in the wrong place, please tell me, I'll fix it as soon as possible!

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