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Messages - r4kk00n

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News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« on: February 29, 2016, 06:26:34 PM »
It is odd to me  that when I asked if there is a check on admin power in any way, people got angry.
If you read my posts in this thread, you will notice that I never accused any individual mod, or the mods on here in general of silencing anyone, or of abusing their mod power.
I never stated that I felt like I was silenced myself, or in any way targeted or treated unfairly.

This thread is about some changes to policy in regards to censorship, and extension of moderation power (I understand mods could always remove posts, this thread is talking about increasing mod censorship) and whenever something like that comes up in a forum, or any community it is always prudent to discuss ways to protect all forum or community members (even countries have constitutions or other documents that lay out methods to try to ensure fair use of leadership powers).

Do you really not read anything I've posted? Doesn't matter if an Mod-Owner silence you. They can do so without this change. Our rules have always been up to interpretation by the staff. If you don't like it you can GTFO. Nothing changes for users with over 5 posts, everything else is the same. Dunno why I need to keep repeating myself.

Why  the hostility here? Why turn to insults?
It is sentiments like this that make me concerned that mod abuse of power could potentially be a problem.
Apparently some mods are not secure enough to handle a lowly member of community  questioning their ideas. Lack of being open to criticism is a pretty sever flaw for leaders to have.
Again, I want to point out that nowhere in my previous posts on this thread did I insult anyone, or make any accusations. So those kind of insulting, heavy handed replies are pretty unnecessary,

News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« on: February 29, 2016, 06:56:22 AM »
If you read my OP, Mods, GMods, Admins, and Owner user class can apprive posts. That means there are like 10+ eyes on it for approvals. Fact of the matter is any of the above can delete, remove, lock any post for any reason they seem fit at any time.

There are several threads that explain various posting guidelines. It's pretty much community choice. Read through the FAQ right here

 So essentially, there are no checks in place to stop a mod from silencing anything they don't personally agree with? Doesn't sound like a terribly good way to allow for diversity in view points.

Then you said this:
"There are several threads that explain various posting guidelines. It's pretty much community choice."

But is it really "community choice" if the entirety of the decision making is on as you put "10+" admins with no process for appeals, oversight of admin behavior, or open votes on rules?

News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« on: February 28, 2016, 11:56:15 PM »
Questions for clarification purposes:

Would the moderation que be handled by one particular admin, or will multiple admins be working on it?
If it was only one admin, that could be problematic for a couple of reasons; for one that could be a lot for one person alone  to have to read through and process. Perhaps that won't be an issue here, as it doesn't seem like there are tons of posts..... something to consider though.
Also, if it is one person only, what safeguards are in place to keep that person from using that power to silence posters they don't agree with, or don't like?

Also, is there a guide that details the exact grounds a post can be denied on, or is it entirely up to the whim and preference of  whichever mod is tasked with approving posts?

Assembly - Embedded / 6502 Assembler for win7?
« on: February 27, 2016, 01:23:48 AM »
So I am trying to learn 6502 Assembly. Found some decent tutorials (if anyone has some suggestions in this area, it would be appreciated) but I can't seem to find an 6502 assembler that will run in windows 7.
There are some online 6502 emulator\assemblers, but there are several drawbacks to these that I would prefer to avoid having to deal with.

General discussion / Re: Your favorite Coding/Hacking/Gaming Music?
« on: February 24, 2016, 07:25:02 PM »

Operating System / Re: [WARNING!] Win10
« on: February 22, 2016, 04:10:50 PM »
It seems like each new version of windows is worse than the last.
I am not "anti-windows," as I find that using windows for certain tasks is more efficient.
Gaming, for example. Sure, there are work around for many games on Linux, but when I want to play a game I want to play it, not spend a bunch of time trying to research and implement some workaround that in numerous cases won't perform as well as it does on windows.

My issue with windows is that as they progress in versions, they seem to take more and more control away from the user. I am not going  to pay for an operating system then have it tell me I don't have adequate permissions to remove the spyware they bundle with new installs.  Plus, I don't feel like everything I do is Microsoft's business, so I really don't like all the monitoring.

General discussion / Re: Subway Slasher Crimes in NYC
« on: February 22, 2016, 01:34:36 PM »
You could carry a "smiley."
These are typically a bandanna tied to a lock, a lock on a chain, or something similar.
The great thing about a smiley is that neither a lock, nor a bandanna are illegal to possess in most states, so if you are going to be searched by law enforcement, just slide the lock off the bandanna.

General discussion / Re: Does this make you angry?
« on: February 20, 2016, 10:44:37 AM »
I really don't understand the ethical concern about their network or their data. Just because you work there and they are your employers that doesn't mean that your concerns aren't important and worthy of respect. Plus, as you mentioned, by failing to provide security they also put you and your data at risk,. Respect should be mutual, and everyone should be treated with respect (until  they give you a reason not  to) having a title doesn't make a person more valid or important.

General discussion / Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« on: February 20, 2016, 12:33:36 AM »
Great answer Biohazard.

I think part of the reason this question comes up so often is that while all roads may lead to the same objective destination, everyone learns differently. So a person may read numerous threads on the same topic, and try various answers, and not find one that clicks for them. So they ask other people, hoping to get a suggestion that works for them. 
You are absolutely correct that the best way to truly learn any subject is to practice and use the knowledge yourself instead of just asking others. That is why it is so problematic the way the school system (at least in the US) works. We are taught to listen to "experts" and follow their instructions, not to critically think about a problem and figure out how to solve it.

General discussion / Re: Mr Robot
« on: February 20, 2016, 12:22:33 AM »
Not the anticapitalism, but related to fascists and how the people could be easy be manipulated:

Sounds interesting. The description they gave made me think of the real life Stanford Prison Experiment, where Philip Zimbardo, a psychology teacher, ran an experiment where some students were assigned to be guards, and others prisoners, and set up a mock prison that Zimbardo was the Warden of. The experiment had to be cut short because things got way out of control (the behavior of the students, as well as the way it affected Zimbardo himself).

General discussion / Re: Does this make you angry?
« on: February 20, 2016, 12:11:31 AM »
You tried to warn them, several times in fact.
Why not exploit the weaknesses you found for your own advantage? If they don't respect you enough to at lest investigate your claims, then why respect them or their data?

General discussion / Re: Mr Robot
« on: February 19, 2016, 11:55:12 AM »
It was unique in that the protagonists were anti-capitalist, a couple even identified as "anarchists."
Usually in tv and movies that type of view is attributed to the bad guys. Even in Fight Club (which Mr. Robot obviously pulled heavily from) Tyler Durden ended up being the bad guy, his philosophy portrayed as a product of the narrator's mental  illness.
I can't think of any other shows/movies that show anti-capitalist ideology as even remotely good...
If anyone knows of any, let me know.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Rewriting the Zeus Botnet in Python!!
« on: February 19, 2016, 11:46:57 AM »
What you would have to do is create your own python interpreter with the source code hard coded and then compile that all into an executable yourself.  (write the interpreter in C++ or something).  Basically it's so much more work than just using C++ it's so unfeasible that I would never even attempt to do it.

I know this is an old post, but it is a topic others will likely continue to read, and this is flat out wrong.
There are existing methods to do this for you, such as py2exe (

Hacking and Security / A couple of questions about key logging
« on: February 12, 2016, 08:12:30 PM »
I have been doing research on key loggers, and am confused/curious about some things:

Most of the sites I have been reading say that the best way to have a FUD keylogger is to code your own and encrypt it using a crypter you code yourself as well.  They say that it is best to code the logger and the crypter in c and/or assembly .

A couple of sites said that coding the keylogger in python then compiling into an exe will throw off a lot of AVs....

I don't have much background in this kind of stuff, so I am confused about the seeming contradiction in information.
Is python a viable choice for key loggers and/or crypters?

General discussion / Re: Precrime on the way
« on: February 10, 2016, 02:02:10 AM »
Well if the police has access to a store's CCTV the staff can be easily seen throwing a homeless guy out, who wanted to buy something legally with money. Without CCTV, they can just tell the police he was causing problems and they'll eat it. So that argument is invalid I'd say.
Same thing with drunks. It's bullshit thinking that once you caused some problems you won't be able to enter any store, anymore. If they don't let you in, they need a reason. And the police is there to see if the reason was a good one, else they can punish the seller.
So yeah, maybe what you're saying is that with the current laws this wouldn't really go well and perhaps that's right.
But introducing the proper regulations before facewatch would make it completely acceptable.

I am not sure where you live, so I can not claim to have knowledge of how the law works there.
I can, however, speak from experience as to how the law works where I live (The US). While small details vary from state to state, stores are not public property, so employees can make you leave for almost any reason (the exception being things like race or disability).
The other thing is let's say the cops review the cctv footage (which may or may not have sound) and don't see the person doing anything, the store employee can claim that they said something profane or obscene, and to avoid other customers getting offended, made the person leave. Coming up with an excuse really isn't hard.
And unless you have the money to fight it in court (and most homeless people don't) there is really nothing you can do about it.

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