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Messages - vegiraghav

Pages: [1]
C - C++ / Re: pointers and 2d array
« on: February 08, 2016, 05:39:41 PM »
When you assign a pointer to an array it Only points to the address of the first element.
Since the first element is an int variable the pointer Will be an integer whose size is 4 bytes
And simply assign the pointer variable to the array as I said it will point only to the first element of the array.
And if passing pointers to the function is ur sole moto then u don't even need to use a pointer variable. C++ does that for u.
For example
If the prototype of the function is
Void fun(int a[ 100][ 100])
Then simply call the function using the array ar  by
The when u pass the array ar only its pointer is passed ar can also be a dynamic array .
Hope this helps

Hardware / Can u restart WiFi router using an app
« on: February 07, 2016, 09:39:59 AM »
So as it happens for many, I was browsing the net and suddenly lost connectivity while still connected to the wifi. So I was wondering since I am connected to the WiFi will there be anyway that I can send a command to it to force it to restart from my device itself. My knowledge in the hardware of the router is limited. So any suggestions about what I should know?
 I am not a copyright guy so if u develop any such thing please let me know
Thank you for your time

Beginner's Corner / Re: Reflection
« on: February 06, 2016, 08:00:20 PM »
compromising in the sense the softwares(especially security) that are not meant to be open source but they become one cause of reflection.
Does it mean that one can get the source code for almost all applications? And find the vulnerabilities Or just educate themselves?
What if one makes an app in the "reflective" languages and they don't want to give away the source code?

Beginner's Corner / Reflection
« on: February 06, 2016, 04:56:15 AM »

I have always wondered about hacking as to how people get the source code of an application. So i was going through this tutorial , he got the source code using reflection.
 I went to wiki for more info, only to be even more confused.
So I want to know what is reflection. What are the programming languages that have reflection ?
Why would they compromise the source code if it can be use to hack the application?   
Please tell me all that I should know about it if i am not asking the right questions.

Pages: [1]

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