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Messages - Lobo_8871

Pages: [1]
Mobile Hacking / Re: Mobile phone - how to get any info?
« on: January 19, 2016, 11:41:17 PM »
It's almost cost of repairing...

Mobile Hacking / Mobile phone - how to get any info?
« on: January 19, 2016, 10:51:03 PM »

Hello everyone, I'm looking for a solution due to fact that state authorities fail. Somebody hit al little my car while parked. He/She write down his mobile on tissue and put under windsield wiper. She/he is not answering the phone (but there is signal) since 2 weeks. That person decided to ignore and get away with it. Police told that in that kind of trivial issues they are not sending ask to operator to recognize person. Court told that I have to know name to sue person (sic!). It seems that it's stalemate situation. Moreover it's prepaid card (no personal info); I only know the name of operator. Idea that comes to mind is to get phone coordinates using silent sms or any methods to get this #$%!. Of course it won't be perfect position but tracking could help to recognize car...or I don't know...any help appreciated.

Photo of car:
If you know how to help please send me pm for mobile phone number.

Pages: [1]

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