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Messages - zer0ping

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Corner / Re: Anyone used the WIFI PINEAPPLE MARK V?
« on: January 17, 2016, 05:31:44 PM »
Or attach it to a quad copter and fly it over unsuspecting buildings to sniff precious packets.

Hilarious. And incredibly inconspicuous. :D

Hacking and Security / Re: Password Security ?
« on: January 14, 2016, 01:30:39 AM »
Yeah, sounds smarter.

But if i could write my passwords in, say, notes in my phone, wouldn it better to encode a word, or a set of words, in some protocol? not necessary only numbers?


Hacking and Security / Password Security ?
« on: January 13, 2016, 04:38:12 AM »
Hey guys, a pretty simple question.

Does anyone encode their passwords? For example, if my password was "nickelback" and i encode it in ascii, and delete every space in between numbers, it would be "110105099107101108098097099107049" (with spaces, it is "110 105 099 107 101 108 098 097 099 107 049").  That's a helluva lot safer than "nickelback"  ;D


Pages: [1]

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