« on: January 08, 2016, 03:19:27 PM »
Good morning all, thank you for accepting me into your organization. I'm in search of obtaining a vps, following the guidelines here I obtain a rechargeable debit card that I paid with cash and linked it to a paypal using an email that does not request for authentication (Phone number etc) In this case I'm using tutanota.
My issue is when I purchase digitaloceans and now with justhost, they request for a copy of my ID to verify my credit card. I've hear that people have not had this issue my assumption is that they used gmail which has somewhat of a authentication process which has me believe that by using a reputable email like gmail they don't require those users to submit identification.
So my question is, is there a vps that does not require such information or am I just messing up a step?
Please save the longevity of your keyboards and refrain from posting 'use the googles'. I would not be posting on here if I haven't spent a week searching for an answer and emailing the vps companies.
Thank you for your time a patience.