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Messages - sonNe

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: [Funny GIF] Rise of the Robots
« on: February 28, 2016, 03:56:26 PM »
@Psycho_Coder Oh fuck, it has begun then. Yeah dude, RHex looks like some kind of machine straight out of a Metal Gear Solid game. All started with RHex struggling to make a linear path to point A to point B, a couple of years later, we have Gekkos all around the world mooing and fucking shit up with the perfect junction of organical/mechanical beings. For those who didn't understanding my reference ->
But yeah, it amazes me that humanity with all its shit going on, it is still capable of doing this kind of evolution, when the men start to create mechanical beings like RHex or Atlas. I only remembered now that the movie I, Robot hits the exact point of your topic, when Dr. Alfred Lanning gives Sonny the ability of thinking on it's own, reaching levels of independence when he acts like a human itself, with feelings and even dreaming, to try to separate from V.I.K.I's control of rule the flawed humanity. Damn, it matches perfect with the conversation.

Hacking and Security / Re: Great links/tools to learn from
« on: February 28, 2016, 03:23:33 PM »
There's this awesome site too that gathers information about Hacking/Forensic Challenges, and information about Vpn, Voip, Cryptography and a lot more.

General discussion / Re: [Funny GIF] Rise of the Robots
« on: February 28, 2016, 02:40:15 PM »
I think that's only possible when they associate the robot itself with self-learning. Maybe connect to some database where the robot can download the new subject, study it and replicate it as a human, and after many tests, they will keep upgrading its abilities to see where they can go. I like to imagine this kind of stuff too, but i imagined what will be like when a robot can have the body of an humanoid, and an almost unlimited storage space in it's "brain" function. Connected to the World Wide Web, free to download any subject. I think that's when the shit hits the fan, when he is so advanced that he can learn about any subject and upgraded. Maybe with so much knowledge, he can start to see some kind of flaw in the Human itself, making algorithms after algorithms to solve it. Maybe the solution is just fuck shit up starting to replicate new robots of himself with the methodology that he learned while trying to solve the problem, a perfect time for some hidden malware to benefit some country, organization or maybe a single person. Anyway, extend too much here, but its a very interesting topic to discuss about!

Btw -> Imagine walking on the forest and saw the Atlas just walking and shit? I honestly don't know what i would do. Lol


News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« on: February 27, 2016, 08:02:13 AM »
About the new restrictions of null users, you guys think about take off the book restrictions of -20 post members? I may be talking trash, but since i comeback i didn't see the wiki of the forum, just a post talking that the administration took it off, but i suppose the E-Books Section still in the air, only available once you reach 20 post. A great part of the shitty topics/posts in the forum isn't about new members trying to get previleges? If i may give an idea, and you guys don't want to take of the restrictions, won't be a more intuitive way instead of blocking the restriction for posts, to change it to topics? Because that way, to get the previleges, the user will have to come up with good content, not only spam posts. I already see inumerals users here just spamming to get the access.
But if you guys did indeed take the E-books and software(if i remember well there was a software part), i apologize, and feel free to remove this post, or notify me to do it. Just a suggestion to help the moderation in someway.

News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« on: February 27, 2016, 07:19:31 AM »
Just a question of curiosity, i know it's probably more common sense, but i just want to be sure. How the new moderation of the topics made by null users will be classified? Standard shitty topic/Good topic or will have to follow some instruction rules like: Introduction of the Problem/Topic, and the development of it?
Hope to not get trashed by this kinda retorical question, but i was banned before by the same reasons for you guys(administrators in general) made this new law for topics. And btw, i totally agree with it, the admins in here always tried to make the forum better. Im sure this decision was made because it was necessary.

General discussion / Re: Subway Slasher Crimes in NYC
« on: February 22, 2016, 03:11:53 AM »
despite the law saying you can't carry anything
You can get a permission to a weapon. In most countries the minimum age for it is 25 year old and clean police record. That's not exclusive for fire weapons, also knives and etc. Don't know the specifics about not lethals like Tasers and shit, but have something to defend yourself is always good. Carrying a lethal weapon is only illegal if you don't have a permission for it.

I don't recommend anyone come and visit the city
NYC in this exact moment have a total population of 8+ million people. Because of one lunatic slashing peoples faces, i shouldn't come over and visit the Big Apple? C'mon. NYC Was always violent, full of agressive people, just like anywhere else in the world. People are fucked up, no matter where you live. But i understand your fear.

NYC judges seem to be doing a terrible job

Not trying to defend judges, but in many cases the judged walks away because of the inumerals legal flaws that exists in our current system of laws.

I suppose something can be done about this by fellow NYC h4x0rs...
Something, but very small. Maybe helping in identifying the suspect, using police databases to match the suspect with places, days. Pinpoint with social medias and etc, nothing very incriminating that can be saw as a vital evidence in a court, unless you can caught the motherfucker in plane sight cutting peoples faces with a public security camera. Then yeah, that would be a good evidence, otherwise, the police can do a lot more since they have way more resources than a common "Hacker". With.. "h4x0rs" the process would only be faster, since NYC is buried in crimes. ->

Violence is everywhere, since the beginning to the upcoming end, there will always be fucked up people among us.
Anyway that was just my opinion about the topic, I apologize if i misunderstood any part.

Operating System / Re: OS Advice?
« on: February 16, 2016, 07:18:53 AM »

Found it on the Webs / Re: Hacking Explained
« on: February 14, 2016, 11:47:42 AM »
Oh, that is true, my mistake, was on my phone, so i couldn't see the line dividing the signature from the post itself, then i thought you was just making promo of the game itself and the video for plus information. If i may say, that signature is completely ridiculous. Cool video tho, i mean, i saw something like that about 1200 times already, it looks like something that IT Departments shows to elder people..

Pages: [1]

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