General discussion / Re: [Funny GIF] Rise of the Robots
« on: February 28, 2016, 03:56:26 PM »
@Psycho_Coder Oh fuck, it has begun then. Yeah dude, RHex looks like some kind of machine straight out of a Metal Gear Solid game. All started with RHex struggling to make a linear path to point A to point B, a couple of years later, we have Gekkos all around the world mooing and fucking shit up with the perfect junction of organical/mechanical beings. For those who didn't understanding my reference -> http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/metalgear/images/5/5c/SuicideGekko.png/revision/latest?cb=20111013015410.
But yeah, it amazes me that humanity with all its shit going on, it is still capable of doing this kind of evolution, when the men start to create mechanical beings like RHex or Atlas. I only remembered now that the movie I, Robot hits the exact point of your topic, when Dr. Alfred Lanning gives Sonny the ability of thinking on it's own, reaching levels of independence when he acts like a human itself, with feelings and even dreaming, to try to separate from V.I.K.I's control of rule the flawed humanity. Damn, it matches perfect with the conversation.
But yeah, it amazes me that humanity with all its shit going on, it is still capable of doing this kind of evolution, when the men start to create mechanical beings like RHex or Atlas. I only remembered now that the movie I, Robot hits the exact point of your topic, when Dr. Alfred Lanning gives Sonny the ability of thinking on it's own, reaching levels of independence when he acts like a human itself, with feelings and even dreaming, to try to separate from V.I.K.I's control of rule the flawed humanity. Damn, it matches perfect with the conversation.