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Messages - Padrino

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« on: January 08, 2016, 12:41:48 AM »
I'm new on here too, but speaking as someone with background knowledge in Computer Science you cant just learn the basics of hacking. It doesn't work like that. You need to have a good foundation knowledge in programming and networking. Read books, Google shit, start from the very bottom and work your way up man. Don't learn how to break systems, but UNDERSTAND THEM. It sounds like total tech-hippie bullshit but it's true.

Try learning some of the basics of the more common and useful stuff your likely to encounter on the net - HTML, ASP, PHP, SQL, Java Script  etc.

Learn some of the basics of a common Object-Oriented programming language Java, C++ ... etc. this will give you a firm understanding of the basic concepts used in coding and will help you pickup other languages used for scripting when you need them.

Also, learn the basics of networking. You can't expect to go around snooping IP's if you don't understand how the protocol stacks work, or have familiarity with things like the  OSI TCP/IP model (I mean you could but you shouldn't).

There are some great tools online, I haven't used it myself but code academy might be a good shout. Also CISCO may well have some good materials published.

Hope this helps,

Happy Hunting.

Pages: [1]

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