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Messages - Eclipse20

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« on: January 13, 2016, 12:49:28 AM »
Thankyou Cookiegotback,

You pushed me precisely in the right direction. I am already busy reading things about networking, tho I need to read the most of the things twice before understanding them. But hey, better something, than nothing at all right?
I'll be focussing on my exams on school first, then I'm launching myself into the books and pdf files some classmates sent me.

Thankyou for the advices, I feel accepted here :)
Keep it up guys,

General discussion / Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« on: January 09, 2016, 07:08:15 PM »
Thankyou guys for your reactions.
Thanks to you I know what to do and where to start.

I will not be VERY active the first 1 or 2 weeks, because I've bought books to learn Java, Html-5 and Networking.
So I got my hands full of that now, and whenever I progress, I will be more active on the forum!

Once again thanks for the advice, I will be back with more knowledge!


General discussion / Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« on: January 07, 2016, 04:23:10 PM »
Hey there,

So, let's cut the crap and start where the core is.
I am on the forum for quite a few days now, but I can't seem to progress in what I want to learn.
I am someone who has never hacked before, but tried and tried and tried, but never with success.
So.. I've been searching the forums, but I never seem to find what I want to find.

Am I searching the wrong way?
Am I asking too much from myself as a newbie?

All I want to learn (FOR NOW!), are just some basics, a little push in my back to keep going and progressing.
Basics like obtaining people their IP-adress from for example a Minecraft server, Facebook, or anything like that.
To be able to trace people from that. Just these tiny little basic abilities to keep myself motivated, instead of bailing out too early, like I did with almost everything in my life until now. This time, I REALLY want to learn. I really feel like I can be someone in this community. But, let's start from scratch!

So, anyone has some tips for me?
I installed a vm + ubuntu 15.10 now, so I'm good to go! :)

Thankyou for reading this

Pages: [1]

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