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Messages - Twerpzilla

Pages: [1]
Web Oriented Coding / Re: Inspect element automation in browser
« on: December 23, 2015, 10:39:21 AM »

Do you want to scrape and download the source automatically.. or.. do you want a script to press f12 for you?

Beginner's Corner / Re: What kind of attacks viable here
« on: December 21, 2015, 01:32:11 PM »
If you haven't already, build your own toolbox os or get a premade one ( E.G. Kali, comes shipped with a multitude of tools ) and look into Assembly, PowerShell, Python, C++ and the like. ( Even if its just a skim through, just so you will be able to understand alot of things better at work, sure tools are great but its always better to know what is actually happening )

Keep in mind, that usually when you're attacking a network from inside the network, you won't have to worry as much about Intrusion Detection Systems and Firewalls, it mostly comes down to access controls and your main objective will be to "Escalate" your privileges, until you obtain root ( Or Equivalent ).

Run Nmap on the network, eg. nmap [ Options] ( CIDR Notation ), grab banners, locate unsecured services ( Like default installs of SSH or FTP ).

When others are on the same network, sniff packets, if you can strip SSL and try capture creds or other sensitive information.

If the company or user has bad security habits, you could grab the hash, and run it through other workspaces ( PTH ) the user might use to see if you can get yourself in.

Printers are usually low hanging fruit, doesnt hurt to try and comprimise them.

If you're in the area you could try some fancy airobase stuff and setup a clone of the network, ( If for some strange reason they dont use ethernet for their workspaces ), redirect traffic to your "fake" network ( E.G. Deauthorize the Original Network with Reaver ) and monitor incoming traffic, and/or redirect to other sites. ( E.G. Phishing Sites )

If you're in the system, you could probably throw a few metasploit payloads for priv escalation, especially if its an old machine, or unpatched ( E.G. Load Priv in Metasploit, Get System. )

Plethora of ways to compromise from inside a network, get googling.

Pages: [1]

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