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Messages - turtleseal1

Pages: [1]
Networking / Re: ip adress and subnetting
« on: December 09, 2015, 07:23:06 PM »
Thanks for the answer. I built the second subnet before checking what you had to see if I had the right idea, and I was really confused about where you got that from, but oh cool, I think everything makes sense now! Thanks again

Networking / Re: ip adress and subnetting
« on: December 08, 2015, 11:28:51 PM »
Sorry to hop in on this thread and ask more questions, but after seeing this post, I thought now was the perfect time to learn sub-netting. Right now, I understand all of the work on the first subnet, or at least I think i do, but I do not understand how is the starting point for the second subnet, any explanations or resources would be greatly appreciated!

Pages: [1]

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