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Messages - Infinital

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: 24 Hour Hack - 99 000'th post
« on: February 18, 2016, 06:30:00 PM »
I have some 10 year old Dell Poweredge servers sitting by my desk not being used. 

Most are dual cpu single core xeons, RAM amounts vary. 

Most are SCSI drives, which the place I got them from took all the drives to be destroyed.  I don't use anything with SCSI drives.  There are two that take Sata drives, which I have plenty that could be used

The nicest one that takes SCSI drives, is a poweredge 2850  (dell service tag 5SBP981)

Dual 3.6 Single Core Xeon (not VT-x CPUs)
8GB Ram  (can take up to 16 if needed)
two network cards
6 drive bays

The one left that takes Sata is

Single 2.13 Dual Core Xeon (VT-x yes)
2GB RAM( can take up to 16 if needed, but would need the RAM back at some point.  The other sata server is at my house for pen-test lab)

I'd be able to put one on a network, but it would by a dynamic IP, but can setup a DDNS it.

However, the setup would likely go away at some point as I am planning to not have this job in 6 months or so.

Upload/Download Rate at the office is only like a 12down/2 up though.

Hardware / Re: Can u restart WiFi router using an app
« on: February 08, 2016, 03:54:48 PM »
You could just login to your router from the browser on your phone.  Most SOHO routers will have a reboot option in them, but not all of them do.

Tutorials / Re: Try and Bring Back Privacy to Windows 10
« on: February 05, 2016, 03:51:37 PM »
I don't think I'm confusing the statement.

"Also I wonder because of intel deciding only to support Windows 10 in their next batch of processors means for Linux?"

I was just trying to clarify your statement a little.  Yes, it seems that Skylake and above won't support any other MS OS besides Windows 10.  There's no mention of Linux/MacOS not working on Skylake.  That's the point I was trying to clear up.

Maybe AMD can capitalize on badly worded information.

Tutorials / Re: Try and Bring Back Privacy to Windows 10
« on: February 02, 2016, 09:21:31 PM »
Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah I wish I could move over to Linux full time and ditch Windows but for me personally Linux is just not supported enough enable for me to switch. Also I wonder because of intel deciding only to support Windows 10 in their next batch of processors means for Linux?

I believe it's that the Skylake's and newer cpus will only support 10, and not 8.1 and lower.

Hacking and Security / Re: [Crack] Linux Mint Logon Screen HELP! [SOLVED]
« on: February 01, 2016, 10:36:15 PM »
Were none of the options in the "Login Themes" section worthy?

I didn't like the original one, but can't remember what I changed it to.

General discussion / Re: Dream Car?
« on: January 21, 2016, 09:16:39 PM »
Lexus LFA

But might as well go yellow, with girl included.

Pages: [1]

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