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Messages - w00kie

Pages: [1]
Found it on the Webs / Re: Snoopy Drone
« on: December 04, 2015, 02:52:33 AM »
Oh yeah. I really like that Idea. like an aerial wardriving solution right??

The challenge would be getting the quad small enough to carry the payload safely while also remaining discreet. might take some work finding the right motor KV/prop combo on your build, but would be worthwhile for sure.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Snoopy Drone
« on: December 04, 2015, 01:29:20 AM »
Also interested in this. Although I'm assuming that the 'skyjacking' approach only works when flying via wifi?

still....something like a quadcopter presents a unique delivery platform.I'm sure there are ways uav's can be incorporated into all kinds of hacking.

Pages: [1]

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