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News and Announcements / Re: Board restrictions to new members
« on: February 03, 2016, 08:58:36 AM »
I think this system of making people have 20 posts to get access to special boards is a poor way to manage the community. Yes, I understand that the logic behind it was that only contributing members of the community would be able to make it to such a post count and get access to the boards, but I think there is a flaw in this logic.

Let's say you are a new member and you don't really care about EvilZone(leech). How will you reach those 20 posts to get access to the ebooks board? You will make low quality posts. Now, they may not be low quality enough to warrant deletion, but in 9/10 cases it will be some stupid shitty non-contribution to the discussion that is just barely good enough to not get deleted--probably just a hair above the incredibly low standards that already exist. Rinse, repeat, do that 20 times on whatever thread you can manage to slip a post in, and voila! You have your 20 posts and now have access to the ebooks.

This mindset clearly needs to be eradicated, and there are two trivial ways to fix this method. One way is to make the process of joining the forum more rigorous. Doesn't have to be some intense Cicada 3301 shit, but just something more, maybe something like Insanity mentioned, where you hash the registration code or have a two-step registration process. Another way to fix it is to increase the strictness of the moderation. By raising the bar it would hence make it harder for floaters to come in and do the bare minimum. I think the heavier moderation idea sounds shitty as it requires more effort and more forum nazism, which ruins the fun for everyone, but I also think that the former option isn't powerful enough on it's own.

By having a mixture, where there is a more rigorous application process and a stronger community initiative to make sure that only competent individuals complete registration and that the forums aren't filled with shit posts whose only purpose serves to increase post count, the quality of EvilZone would improve as a whole. I don't see it as requiring much effort; simply have a step-up of difficulty in registration and implement a simple method to eradicate nonsense on the forums and in IRC--like actually banning people that break rules that threaten to ban people that break them(like helping other users register).

So yeah. I am writing this late at night so this is probably shit and I will probably regret this as i recognize that I am not some ultra notorious member of EvilZone, but who cares, take from it what you will. Too many people are complaining that there is an issue, but I don't see a ton of solutions being offered, so here's one at least.

Good luck fuckers.

Operating System / Re: OS Advice?
« on: February 02, 2016, 09:36:24 PM »
If you are new to *nix, I would recommend Ubuntu as it is very user friendly and will be a good gradual introduction to the *nix environment.

If you are bit more skilled and have some experience with *nix, then I would say go for either Debian or Arch. Arch is lightweight and can be customized to your precise needs, but it can be kind of a hassle to install and will definitely take some time configuring things. Also, arch has a pretty awesome forums/wiki that can help you a ton when you get issues. On the other hand, Debian is as stable as an Asian husband and the packages are well integrated, making it more robust.

Of course, BSD is another route to consider, but I've got almost no experience so the only two cents I can give on that is to consider all of the possible choices, even if it isn't Linux.

Good luck finding your flavor!   ;)

General discussion / Re: Where are you from?
« on: January 31, 2016, 08:51:08 PM »
I'm from Insanity's closet.

plox send help

General discussion / Re: Dream Car?
« on: January 26, 2016, 05:44:14 AM »
Any car full of top notch kitty kat ;)

General discussion / Re: Mr Robot - The Hacker Show
« on: January 04, 2016, 06:31:12 AM »
I just recently finished the first season. The beginning of the season was pretty awesome, then it got kinda stale about half way through, but eventually they pulled it back together and made the final episode pretty good. All-in-all, I give it like a 7/10. I don't feel like it's one of those series that I would watch again, but I would definitely recommend it to a bored friend if they were looking for something to watch. Overall, the hacking was relatively accurate and the show had a pretty high production quality, so kudos to the producers.

General discussion / Re: What were your Christmas presents?
« on: December 25, 2015, 09:56:34 AM »
I am writing this from the oculus rift

General discussion / Re: Current Careers & Aspirations
« on: December 22, 2015, 10:52:20 PM »
I'm a dishwasher at a sushi restaurant.

PS: Next time you decide to draw a Jackson Pollock painting of wasabi and soy sauce on your plate, be ready to get revenge hacked by the dishwasher.

C - C++ / Re: Need to store an array number with its respective value
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:15:56 AM »
Can you please elaborate more on what your problem is? I don't quiet understand what you are asking.

From what I can tell, it seems like you are asking us to sort an array and then print out the corresponding indices that they were in the unsorted array. Is that correct?

Also, the image you posted is improperly constructed.


The correct preposition for "Donate for us" is Donate to us.
But, if I were you, I would say "Support 4programmer" or "Support us" or some synonym of that.

Then for the text below it, try changing to something like,
    4programmer is a small, not-for-profit web service with a big goal--to provide a free education to anyone, anywhere, on a wide variety of technical topics. Your generous donations are the key to keeping our servers running smoothly!

Also, are you interested in obfuscating your code?

Nice website, feel free to hit me up if you need help with your website's English skills because they are a bit awkward at the moment :P (I won't charge, just offering free help from a native speaker)

Some examples of places to change:

Change "bigger than 100 min" to "Greater than 100 minutes"

Also you could change it to something like this to make it less language specific and cleaner:
Code: [Select]
Time (minutes)
 | < 25
 |  25 - 60
 |  60 - 100
 |  > 100

You could change this to something like:
    4programmer is a free utility that compiles a wide range of resources into a more manageable and navigable hub of learning. With more than <a href="~/tutorials/"><b>1000</b> tutorials</a> on over <a href="~/topics/"><b>___</b> topics</a>, we can guarantee that if you want to learn it, we've got it! Join us to get started on your journey in programming today!

It's not that you grammar is horrible, it's just got awkward areas and lapses in grammar and syntax.

General discussion / Re: What Inspired You?
« on: December 18, 2015, 08:10:13 PM »
Some of the best progress mankind has experienced has occurred in isolation. I personally don't feel what people describe as conventional "loneliness", maybe because I keep a lot of reptiles. But I personally do way better alone than in a group. So I agree that loneliness is key sometimes
I have a dermatologist in the family and I was a test monkey for a drug called Acutane. Check it out. Literally kills your skins ability to make cystic acne. Even if you ain't trying to fit in it can help prevent facial infections and other problems later on. Cystic acne is a pain in the arse, I got lucky and they caught it before it really started to eat my skin. But it ain't the end of the world either

Staff note: no double posting pl0x!

lol, yeah, I have a friend that uses Acutane. Getting the permission to use that stuff is intense xD She had to be on birth control and had to give a ton of blood so they could test her for a bunch of various diseases and conditions and shit. Apparently, it could also cause depression, so you need to have a psychological evaluation too. But yeah, I'm guessing it will be easier for you because you are a dude :P

General discussion / Re: What Inspired You?
« on: December 16, 2015, 08:24:15 AM »
I've always been interesting in math and science, but in all honesty, my main motivating factor has been my perpetual loneliness.

Beginner's Corner / Re: C++ IDE/Compiler for Windows 10 ?
« on: December 09, 2015, 02:33:25 PM »
My personal favorite Windows IDE for C++ is Visual Studio (Community Edition). Note: you'll have to create a Visual Studio profile with a Microsoft account in order to use it.

Other than that, here's a link to the Visual Studio "Get Started" page which can provide basically all you need to get started with developing in VS.

  • Open new credit card accounts in your name using your SSN (Social Security Number)
  • Buy something expensive, like a car or a boat under a loan in your name
  • Steal your mail, get more of your personal information
  • Change your billing address, so that you don't receive the credit card bills they open in your name
  • Sell your identity on the blackmarket for others to use
  • Open a bank account in your name and bounce checks
  • File for bankruptcy under your name
  • Get identification, like a driver's license in your name
  • Show your name to police during arrests or commit crimes under your identity

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