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Messages - weiqiix

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Corner / Re: Kali Linux - Arguments for a little newbie!
« on: November 30, 2015, 11:46:18 AM » is a good distribution because it has allot of tools ready for use, or available on the repositories.

I use Kali Linux Light (with some extra tools installed afterwards) in a virtual machine, and it works for study/testing. Not so much for wifi related stuff.

USB is a good solution for "working" with Kali, it _could_ work with wifi, but not so much for study/testing.

And even if adding a new user is not difficult, I can't see Kali as a main system or in dual boot. It is after all a dangerous tool.

And there are other security centered distributions around, like or; my advice would be to run an entire lab in virtual machines, attack and victim machines alike (try for example), and choose a distribution after trying more than one.

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