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General discussion / Dream Car?
« on: January 20, 2016, 01:21:17 AM »
Whats your Dream Car?

I really just want a BRZ

dat ass dou

General discussion / Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:14:32 PM »
People often come to this forum to the illusion that you can quickly become a hacking professional just by reading a few posts and asking some questions. However I've learned that hacking in more of a mindset and a life style. Simply wanting to "hack" just to show off or teach someone a lesson or look cool in front of your friends is not how you should approach learning hacking. These factors can be part of the reason but you really have to ask yourself, why am I trying to learn this? And if you don't have a deep seeded reason, you won't get very far.

Not to put you off, just think about it

Found it on the Webs / Re: Razer Blade Stealth
« on: January 07, 2016, 03:48:13 AM »
This is moving toward my ultimate goal for personal computers where everyone carries around a smartphone like device with way more horsepower and wherever you go, you can drop it into a cradle to get even more power along with connections to larger displays, keyboards, mice and other peripherals. That was there's less difficulty with transporting files between all your personal devices and your whole virtual life could be on one place on that "phone". Even tho its hardly a phone at that point.  ;D

I think this tech is moving towards that goal and thats why its so awesome!

Science / Re: Male to female surgery
« on: January 07, 2016, 12:11:15 AM »
Thanks for the share. Not very beneficial to me but I'm sure at least 1 person will find it useful.

Beginner's Corner / Re:
« on: January 06, 2016, 11:56:35 PM »
You didn't specify which language, but here are a few.

Code academy is great, its were I started and its entertaining. I'd recommend their python track first.

Hardware / Re: [vid] Build a CPU from Scratch.
« on: January 06, 2016, 11:25:39 PM »
I prefer this vid

I think its better explained especially understanding the history and how processors developed.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Razer Blade Stealth
« on: January 06, 2016, 10:56:44 PM »
Not sure how I feel about this. I understand it if you do a little bit of gaming on the go, but I still think a desktop and a cheaper laptop would be a better way to go for most people. Really cool tech tho. Thanks for the share

General discussion / Re: Just Finished my New Build
« on: January 06, 2016, 04:03:57 AM »
This is one thing I am having issue with should be DDR4 2400 but it appears to run at 2133 even according to the bios, maybe a mistake in shipping but the speed of the ram does not really affect me so I am debating wether to call or not

Probably doesn't matter, but if you want that little extra bit of performance, you should be able to increase the clock speed in the BIOS.

General discussion / Re: Current Careers & Aspirations
« on: January 06, 2016, 03:59:58 AM »
I work at a restaurant.  ;D But hoping to start at an I.T. job this upcoming summer. Also hoping to attend college and double major in Software or Electrical Engineering and Entrepreneurship. 

Scripting Languages / Dope Python Modules
« on: January 06, 2016, 02:59:23 AM »
I've stumbled across some pretty cool python modules in my programming days. Pyvona might have been the coolest I've found tho

Anyone else found an awesome module?

Beginner's Corner / Re: How would i gain access
« on: January 06, 2016, 02:51:59 AM »
I think you're gonna wanna enable port forwarding on the remote router if you have access to it, then ssh into the target pc. More specifics and details please.

Hardware / Learning About Circuitry
« on: January 06, 2016, 02:45:49 AM »
Circuits, electricity, transistors, resistors capacitors… The hardware size of electronics I think is much simpler and smaller than the software side of computers in my opinion, but there is a lot to learn for a beginner before you can even start to comprehend how a computer can do what it can today. The internet can certainly teach you a lot about electronics but I found that as I taught myself, I often wasn’t sure where to start with a subject or where to look next. So I decided to put this collection of useful educational sources and tools for working with electronics and hardware.

Start here:
This is the core of all circuitry design and electronics we know today. Learn it like the back of your hand. - Read as much as you can about stuff on this page if you dont understand - really simple but easy to understand
(Wanna go really deep?)
Start with videos 1-6

After you’ve got some basic knowledge; I’d advise learning as much about different circuit components and their function, you should also learn how to read schematics now.
This guy from make is a peculiar one…

Start taking electronics apart. You’d be surprised how deep you can go with a philips screwdriver.
Wanna Design your own circuit?
Or if you're an autocad user:

Youtube Channels?

Researching a specific Part:
(Or Google)

Wanna do some parts shopping?

Or if you’re a book kinda person

Oyvind’s free Ebook is pretty good too:

Need good ideas?

Let me know if I missed something you think should be added!

Creative Arts / Re: The Music Thread
« on: January 06, 2016, 01:09:34 AM »
If you've heard of country, you know these guys:

Beginner's Corner / Re: How to phish someone without getting caught?
« on: January 02, 2016, 08:11:35 PM »
Then if he doesn't login on that website I will call him and try to act like I'm working at instagram land-line and that he needs to login (put towel over the phone so my voice doesn't sound like usual. Will this work? Also hide caller id)

Pay for a burner phone. Then use ivona to talk to him.

Thats at least what I'd do.

Pages: [1] 2

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