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Messages - Devilstare

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Hardware / Re: Input on laptop: Thinkpad
« on: November 30, 2015, 03:25:10 PM »
And also useless in many cases. For example if you are a graphic designer =)

I concur. But most of us are taught to rely on GUI's only, mostly through Windows, so running only terminals means you have acquired a few additional skills, and I do tip my hat to that =)

Hardware / Re: Input on laptop: Thinkpad
« on: November 30, 2015, 09:08:27 AM »
I don't run a DE at all and only a WM, with a bunch of terminals and prefer to work with the CLI. Based on that, "good looking desktop" is entirely subjective.

Shiit. That sounds nice! A bit high level for me at the moment, but I too usually go for the more minimalist approach when I can. Though running only terminals is pretty hardcore.

Once again, thanks for all the input.

Hardware / Re: Input on laptop: Thinkpad
« on: November 29, 2015, 01:50:57 PM »
Hey, thanks for all the input. I went ahead and made the deal on the laptop. Used, 6 months old, aprox. 700 USD.
Would have liked to be able to upgrade the memory, but there is only single memory slot on it, so I would have to buy a 16 gb memory chip, which is quite expensive these days.

Which leads me to Virtual machine: I've heard vm'ing is a bit hardware intensive, and especially on the memory, so with 8 gb of ram  what kind of performance can I expect to get? And do you think the fact that the memory is on a single channel would make a difference?

I live in northern Europa so Cyber Monday is a bit out of reach, but I'm considering an external HD anyways. I usually like to store my stuff externally, and keep my main drive as clean as possible. 

Laptops native OS is Windows ,so I guess I'll wipe it and install Ubuntu, at first at least. I just need to get away from the Unity desktop. I like the Cinnamon desktop on  Mint, so far, which is based on GNOME 3? I've also heard people recommend Zubuntu, or Xubuntu. I'll do some research before I make up my mind.

Hardware / Input on laptop: Thinkpad
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:09:39 PM »
Now, considering I'm quite new at this, I would really appreciate some input on choice of laptop to use Linux with.

I'm thinking of buying a new "used" laptop. But am unsure of what to look for, and get. I'm going to use it for programming, or rather, learning to, and probably some VM'in at some point, and basic writing, browsing.

Currently I'm considering the Thinkpad x250, and i found one with these specs: 
ThinkPad x250
Intel Core i7 5600U 4M 2.60GHz
8GB Ram
5500 HD Intel Graphic.

Lenovo is said to be decently compatible with Linux, so I thought that to be a safe bet. I would also like to upgrade the RAM if possible.

The other thing is, I'm quite inexperienced with Linux, and especially on a laptop. I tried Ubuntu, and as a first meeting it was great, but after a while kinda meh. Or the Unity desktop, rather. Mint runs fine on its own, and is preferable that way, but I am kinda looking for something to really learn Linux. But at the same time I need something stable enough, and easy enough to maintain that I don't accidentally break it, to get work done. So what would be your recommended distro for use on a laptop?

Appreciate your two cents.

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