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Messages - DMiller657

Pages: [1]
Anonymity and Privacy / Re: autistici vpn connection problems
« on: December 31, 2015, 12:26:51 AM »
Have you tried starting the client as admin?

It's possible that the VPN server has not got the DNS servers configured correctly rendering it unable to complete the DNS lookup requests.

Beginner's Corner / Re: My internal WIFI card will not work
« on: December 30, 2015, 11:48:13 PM »
Have to tried completely uninstalling the device in device manager and then restarting your machine? It should refresh the device.

Sorry, I probably should have mentioned this at the start. When I connect to the VPN server from a private network (eg: my home) then it connects and works perfectly, it's only when connected to this public network that it doesn't work - hence how I know that the issue is not server side (connects fine on 443).

This might sound silly, but I remember using an ssh tunnel to pivot a remote desktop connection through another machine. Could he tunnel his openvpn connection through port 22 if its not getting blocked, and the firewall on the remote server can redirect traffic from 22 to whatever port openvpn intended to use?

I will look into pivoting through ssh...

To give you guys a little bit of background as to why I am asking this question...

I am trying to create a VPN tunnel between my system and an external VPN Server. This this case I am using OpenVPN. I am sitting on a public network in a public building. The connection always fails with the error that it cannot complete the TLS handshake. As I'm sure some people will have figured out just by reading what I have put so far, the packets from the client are being blocked somewhere along the network and I'm therefore it cannot complete the authentication process. I am able to connect to this external server via putty (from within this network) and so I can change the configuration of the external server if necessary. The sever is currently accepting connections of port 443.

My question to you guys is, how can I find out where in the network the packets are being either dropped, filtered out, rejected or blocked?

 I know that this network has multiple switches and firewalls, and so to try and find a way around the problem it would help me a lot to know which device is blocking the connection. I've tried connecting using both UDP and TCP and both fail.


Pages: [1]

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