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Messages - KOR

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Operating System / Re: So I installed Arch
« on: December 21, 2015, 10:58:30 AM »
I managed to get Arch installed last night. Fell into the same issues with the dhcpcd not being turned on but eventually got it resolved after I found out it renamed eth0 to eno16777736... And managed to get GNOME put on.

Anyway, I've run into a different problem now. I've followed the instructions for downloading and installing programs but can't get them to work (as in install). Any tips to get this up and running as my own alternative to Kali?

EDIT: Nevermind. My brain was obviously tired.

Found it on the Webs / Re: EvilZone makes Fortinet News
« on: December 12, 2015, 08:20:47 PM »
Well, this is interesting. RaaS as a new platform for affiliates? That's the last time I click a link that says I've been referred by a friend.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Privatoria Quick Review
« on: December 07, 2015, 03:02:12 PM »
It's OpenVPN, so all you need is a client. So the question you need to ask yourself does Arch Linux have an OpenVPN client. Hrm I wonder if the amazing archwiki has an article on OpenVPN...

BTW a lot of that was sarcasm, OpenVPN is in the official Arch repos

I felt the sarcasm oozing from this. Some went in my coffee.

Beginner's Corner / Best things to study toward OSCP?
« on: December 02, 2015, 03:00:57 PM »
Please use the following template:

I'm currently working in a 1st Line Tech role and I need to get out. I've been studying for a while and know enough to get out but jobs are few and far between. The field I want to get in is either Security Analyst or Penetration Tester. I know the SecAn will do some pen testing and the jobs will be far more frequent, but I love pen testing and what I've learned so far.

So far I have learned Network+, Sec+, I've learned enough Python to get me by, I've got the Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing book and worked my way through that, I'm studying the CEH course online (for free), and I'm really aiming to get the OSCP as quite a few jobs I've been interested in for the future have listed it as their top qualification.

Do you guys have any other suggestions as to what skills I can add to my list?

Hacking and Security / Re: UPNP Exploit ?? Gain Root Access of Router ..
« on: December 02, 2015, 02:42:34 PM »
It's not root access I heard about. It was more just exposing the devices behind the firewall.

Here's a link:

Beginner's Corner / Re: Looking for the best programming language?
« on: December 01, 2015, 04:14:25 PM »
I'd say start in a C language like C++. Python is quick and easy after learning a C base, and you have the base for tons of other languages like Java.

Beyond that, your post is confusing and weird and the link leads me to nothing

I found Python quick and easy without knowing C++ or C. But now everywhere I look says to learn C++ as well. Looks like I'll be heading there too. As far as learning a starting language, I can recommend Python wholeheartedly.

Operating System / Re: what about Parrot security??
« on: December 01, 2015, 03:45:21 PM »
Parrot is another one I have yet to delve into. I'd like to try BlackArch as well, but I'd also like to use my own version that I'd built. Anyone ever try building their own version of linux from the ground up?

Operating System / Re: Tails
« on: December 01, 2015, 03:42:59 PM »
Tails was made to do one thing and it does it ok, but dont expect anything else from it. If you are interested in distros for anonymity, also check out

Totally  agree. Whonix is probably the better option in my opinion. But that's just me.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Privatoria Quick Review
« on: December 01, 2015, 03:37:31 PM »
This is what I was looking for. I've read a few reviews of Privatoria over the last few weeks and needed something better than what might be a more biased review site. You might have got them a new customer with this.

General discussion / Re: Change my life
« on: November 30, 2015, 04:29:37 PM »
I'm in the south of England and nearly in my thirties. I got stuck in sales jobs while I overlooked my real passion for computers. I studied in college for basic networking and pc maintenance. Where did it get me? No where I wanted to go. Then all of a sudden they've had an explosion and need people everywhere.

After 10 years I found what I loved doing again and wondered why I stopped. Now I'm studying ALL THE THINGS. Finished the Security+ course, bought The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing, started the MCSA course, downloaded MS Server 2012 R2 and messed with Domain Controllers and Active Directory. I'm about to start messing with Exchange just so I can get a job in a networking area so I can move into security. I'm learning Python and having a blast.

Seriously, mate, go nuts. You're still young and you can learn this stuff.

General discussion / Re: College or not? Need advice
« on: November 30, 2015, 04:19:44 PM »
If you can go, go. Some of us can't afford it and would have loved to have the chance. Instead I'm studying while at work (the perks of being in an IT Support role that can be very quiet). But if you can get that concentrated study then all the best to you. I have to settle with certs and self-learning.

Beginner's Corner / Re: What exploit to use for this target?
« on: November 30, 2015, 04:14:12 PM »
Alright, so I checked through your vuln pictures and there are a couple of things you can do. But I'm not going to tell you. In fact, I'm going to make you look them up yourself.

I will, however, tell you that if something says it might or may be vulnerable then you need to check the message that comes with it for some code or CVE that might allow you to Google the answer and see which exploit to use.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Kali Linux - Arguments for a little newbie!
« on: November 30, 2015, 04:08:41 PM »
I'd quite like to try BlackArch as well at some point. Still trying to find the time to get through python, though.
Their may be a way around it, and i would argue considering its linux their is, but to me the simplest/easiest solution is just to install the tools you want/need and fuck the rest of that noise.

Dont get me wrong i can see the advantages of kali on a live USB, since you can boot any system into your tool set, but you could do the same still with any other distro and the tools you want, with greater compatibility, and more out of the box control. IMO the ONLY argument that can be made is as a company using it for pentesting since its a "known" environmental variables. For any home user id say set your own shit up.

Good advice. I can certainly take this one up, but would you have a preferred OS for doing this? Talis? Mint? Maybe make your own using the linux guide?

Beginner's Corner / Re: What exploit to use for this target?
« on: November 26, 2015, 06:47:10 PM »
Nmap has several handy scripts one being --vuln which scans for vulnerabilities against the versions it finds. Might be an idea to use that as well as nessus. Though 7 Ultimate is mostly patched so finding something open might be harder than usual. Maybe an infected pdf with meterpreter might be better?

Beginner's Corner / Re: Kali Linux - Arguments for a little newbie!
« on: November 26, 2015, 03:15:00 PM »
sure. so long as that user is root.

Really? I thought you could get away with using the tools if you used the sudo command and not be root?

It would, but Kali still sucks if you try to use it as your main distro =)

If you want to have persistent Linux and use all the tools found in Kali (without manually installing them 1 by 1), you can for instance run Ubuntu with kalibuntu PPA, or by installing blackarch on top of your Arch, etc.

I wouldn't use it as a main distro, I use it off a VM for playing around with or liveUSB. I'm not one for putting it as my main distro and then using it for photo editing. What a waste.

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