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Messages - 51n15t3r

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Anonymous declares war on Isil
« on: November 24, 2015, 11:00:04 PM »
Fallout? Fallout?

Frankly, until human beings destroy ourselves entirely, we won't stop trying to destroy ourselves. We're too good at it to stop now

Indeed, dude...Fallout IRL! Unless they keep sniffing out the network for info about locations of TR cells and leaders or "trees of business", there won't be any real war on ISIS. If they're hackers, they should work on info. Actually taking down accounts helps in a way, shutting down their recruitment networks and cores. But if nothing bigger is won't be of good enough use.

PS: this article explains a lot who's responsible and what should be least for me

General discussion / Re: Anonymous declares war on Isil
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:27:12 PM »
Yeah well innocent people living with terrorists aren't really innocent coinciding their allowing a terrorist regime to stay in their home. Fuck them all and nuke then and be done with it. However war is very profitable so it'll never happen. Nuke em and be done with it would actually show the terrorists we're done with you. Attacks on Paris wouldn't have happened if we nuked them, all those beheadings propaganda or not wouldn't be spreading terror. Innocents are doing anyways but I would rather them be future terrorists opposed to American, European, etc.

It may not be a popular opinion but it's one that would stop ISIS in their tracks. It would take a while for the next Al-Queda, ISIS, whatever. But no matter what there will always be terrorists but hit them at their core and it would be a while for them to rebuild. Once they do, nuke them again and repeat the damn process. They will never give up, but they would eventually get the hint that we will annihilate them once their cell gets big enough to catch our attention

I don't believe nuking people is the just fucks up land and seas and everything else for many many years. If global leaders really wanted to end this, it would just be a matter of days. But thats just not what they want...and as you said it yourself, they'll never give up and there will always be some stupid group that wants revenge. Political maneuvers must be made instead, but again...thats what I believe.

General discussion / Re: Where are you from?
« on: November 22, 2015, 02:25:19 PM »
somewhere over the rainbow

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