« on: November 19, 2015, 10:33:18 AM »
Hi, I am trying to complete a hacking tutorial in a virtual environment.
The target is and is a Accounts computer.
I have also done a nmap scan on using kali linux with the command: nmap -sS -A -O see nmap scan result 01.PNG and nmap scan result 02.PNG.
It is confirm the Accounts computer is under domain iptlabs.com and I can do a remote desktop connection to, but I
do not have username and password. The host is confirm to be running windows 7 ultimate. There appears to be administrator account enabled but i do not know the password to enter it.
I am using kali linux, metasploit to see how I can get into the account computer to get the information that I want.
I have also use Nessus to scan the target and export the result in nessus format. Then use msfconsole to import the nessus file and display the vulnerabilities: see the vuln capture screen 01 and vuln capture screen 02.
I have looked through but fail to find any exploits to gain into the host especially RDP vulnerabilites.
Can anymore advice on this? I need advice to do the following:
1) Get into the Account computer and get a file
2) Find the password for user name Arnold - confirm there is a user name Arnold.
Please advice