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Messages - Allseeingeye

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Hackxor Hacking Question
« on: December 02, 2015, 04:54:51 AM »
Hi guys, I don't know if you've heard of this hacking game/training thing called Hackxor (I assume you have), but anyways, I'm stuck on a part of it.
In the game you play as a hacker trying to track down another hacker. At the beginning of the first stage (where I'm stuck) you are given a HTTP GET request. I was able to get the email of the hacker from the referer header, and I was also able to get what I think is their IP address from a vulnerable extension to the mail app in the game that lets you check logins to your account. All I need now is their actual name (I think), and that's where I'm stuck. Do I have to exploit the username database on the website or something? I have no idea because I'm a total noob  :-\
I don't want to be told how to do it, because that feels like cheating. I just really need a push in the right direction. I hope this isn't a weird question or something. I'm new to the forum.  :P
The game can be downloaded here:


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