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Messages - Tantrum

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Hacking and Security / PHP shell bypass Problem !
« on: November 10, 2015, 09:20:32 PM »
Hi Guys .

I've loaded before a short php shell on my webserver and have a little problem . In the shell I have no access onto the root directory . When I use the root bypasses , although I can read the root directory but I can not read .php FILES ( 500 Server Error ) .

XML , .http .cfg , all I can easily open and read but not the .php files . Since I get every time a server error 500

Do I need to edit my .htaccess or is the error on the assignment of user rights ?

The system runs under Apache . PHP / 5.4.45-0 + deb7u1 . The " safe -mode " on the server is turned off.

greetings  8)

Pages: [1]

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