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Messages - Vithonil

Pages: [1]
probably shit AND not supported :D the perks of using an HP laptop I guess :D So that means I'll have to buy an external one?

New Problem:

If nothing shows up but those -------, does that mean there's no Wifi that uses WPS nearby? Or do I have to wait and let it run? (my pc is slow)

command < aireplay-ng -9 > 

it says no replay interface specified :D what does that mean?

Staff Edit: No double posting

It looks like 'airmon-ng check kill all' isn't killing all the processes that could possibly interfere (as listed when you first start airmon). Try killing the NetworkManager process with PID 514, and maybe even the avahi-daemon processes.


what do you mean with killing the process with PID 514? not rly sure ^^ (not an expert). And how would I kill the avahi-daemon process? I mean, if I run "kill all" and they are not killed, how would I do that manually? All the tuts on google are useless :c

EDIT: Just running airmon-ng check kill helped :D it ran just fine now. Thanks :)

yeah i'll upload screenshots the next time :D sry but I had already captured the video so I just uploaded that one... but I'll know for the next time I run into an error :)

alright, here's the link:

Awesome, I'll look into it. The problem is, whenever I try to upload the video I captured to your File hosting, it says "Illegal File name". So I guess I'll just upload it onto some other sharing platform and put a link here. Plus, I know it changes it from wlan0 to wlan0mon, and I used everything the right way (I hope), but we'll be sure once I upload the video/sreenshots. Not today tho (11 pm at Germany, have to go get sleep before school starts), but in approximately 15 hours they will be up.

Alright, so after searching on the Internet for 3 hours straight without finding a usable answer, I will just post my beginners question here:
I tried to try and crack my home Wifi password using Reaver on Kali Linux, following this tutorial I found on Youtube a while ago:
So I did everything like shown in the Video and everything looked exactly like in the video, until using the wash -i command.
I get an error message saying:
[X] Error: Failed to compile packet filter.
Now I have been googling for a long time, let me tell you, and all I found was killing any processes that could interfere with the command. I did as the post suggested, but I still got the error. I tried to upload a video from Kali Linux onto your File Hosting, but it said Illegal File name. So I thought maybe if i describe this well enough, you might be able to figure out a solution for my problem, because, being the noob I am, I simply can't figure it out (Take my cookies if you need to :P)
Thanks guys :)

Hacking and Security / Re: Can you crack an idle WPA's password?
« on: November 10, 2015, 10:00:14 PM »
Now with a real life example:
Our school has Wfi intended for students, but nobody ever uses it because they keep the password a secret. So it would be impossible to crack with Aircrack, but possible with Reaver?

Hacking and Security / Re: Can you crack an idle WPA's password?
« on: November 10, 2015, 09:17:41 PM »
But if nobody is logged in this won't work, right?

Hacking and Security / Re: Can you crack an idle WPA's password?
« on: November 10, 2015, 09:06:28 PM »
well at least I was right about the cookies getting taken away from me :D

Hacking and Security / Can you crack an idle WPA's password?
« on: November 10, 2015, 08:39:20 PM »
Alright, you've guessed it right: This question comes from a noob (and I can already feel the downvotes coming, because somehow I think this is a stupid question to ask, but I was wondering and google failed me)

I've been reading a bit about hacking into Wifi networks (sry for the bad translation from German to English) and I have stumbled upon a method using Kali Linux and the well-known Aircrack -ng. And as far as I'm informed, you get the password by catching packets that are being sent between a client who is logged into the Wifi and the router itself, right? (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm here to learn after all) So, if the network is idle and not used by anybody, you cannot crack it open with Aircrack? I mean, I tried to look it up on Google, but found no useable results, so I thought to give it a shot and ask you guys here.
If you consider this a stupid question, just tell me and I'll know :D (Yes, I have read the sticky about posting good questions, but I just had to try and ask you this)
Thanks already :)

Pages: [1]

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