High Quality Tutorials / Re: Malware Lab Setup for Dynamic Analysis
« on: December 27, 2015, 10:26:01 PM »
Thx for your work you put into your series. You articles are pretty good for being free resource on a public forum.
Execute in guest-system
I would say this is a risk like VirtualBox additions especially during the dynamic analysis of self-propagating worms.
If you set an Internet connection, configure your VM to use NAT.Why would you actually use NAT? In access controlled environments (MAC) or connections through wlan adapters its the "only" way (MAC spoofing not counted here). Personally I would prefer Bridged Networking, because I did not manage to ping my host system. In NAT-mode I can ping my LAN IPv4 address.
The host system will act as a router in NAT mode.
Execute in guest-system
Code: [Select]
ipconfig /all
I would say this is a risk like VirtualBox additions especially during the dynamic analysis of self-propagating worms.