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Messages - Insanity

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News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« on: February 27, 2016, 02:02:03 AM »
I can come back and read things here now without worrying about my eyeballs melting and getting a hernia! :D
(Thanks thewormkill!)
Also, good thinking about the limitations on the NULL category,
now it may deter those who come on and expect to be rewarded after posting nonsense until their fingers fall off.
Good luck, you guys have your work cut out for ya.

News and Announcements / Re: Board restrictions to new members
« on: January 18, 2016, 07:10:06 AM »
//Here is my two cents on the issue:

    truecam is right. Even is he isn't the biggest info contributer, he still is someone who frequents the forum, and has been doing so for a while. He opinion is no less valid than mine, or anyone else's. (Well, anyone being people who don't just solely come here to leech and fucking shitpost. Those who at least spend some time on the forum or IRC and genuinely cares about Evilzone. truecam obviously cares about Evilzone, which is why he's pointing it out.)

    Evilzone is pretty much filled with worthless or outdated posts, although there are some posts that really shine through, those are few and far between. Of course, being less a contributer and more a leecher myself means I have no room to talk, but at least I try not to litter the forum with worthless threads and shitposts. I think Evilzone does indeed need more quality-control.
    If you don't know, I'm not as active on the forum (mainly because everything in my unreads are not interesting or I have nothing to say on them) but I spend my every living second (kind of an exaggeration, but pretty close to home) of my life on the IRC. I've seen the idiots who come in the #register channel and attempt to find the code, with no ability to read or observe something new for them. Personally, when I registered on EZ, the topic of #register did not say anything about the !help command. Even now that it does, I still see the occasional (not even occasional, by now it's a pretty prominent thing) half-brained fool that jumps in the channel and immediately starts either spamming someone with PMs or just asks straight up in the channel "how get register code"...with the grammatical prowess of a 5 year old.
    One example of what happened earlier today:
<creed> !help
<register-bot> You are probably looking for the !code command ;)
<creed> lol
<puddi> come on
<puddi> you're close
<creed> this is harder than i imagined
<puddi> yup
<puddi> plenty of newbies struggle
<creed> oo ok
<puddi> so what do we do now
<creed> just tryen to figure it out
    This isn't an isolated incident, either...this happens all the fucking time. The sad story is that eventually the idiot does manage to get the code. Every time. This isn't quality control, it's just sending an idiot into the IRC (which, if they happen to speak in the main channel, I will end up greeting...and they never leave...). I need to be meaner, apparently.

<anton> !help
<register-bot> You are probably looking for the !code command ;)
<anton> !code
<anton> !code smth
<anton> !help
<register-bot> You are probably looking for the !code command ;)
<anton> !help code
<register-bot> You are probably looking for the !code command ;)
<anton> !code help
    Sometimes it's not even THAT!! Holy fucking shit, just now:
<brant> * Youngboss (~rough_coi@3BF13127.3C97B6C.702FCAB3.IP) has joined
<Insanity> brant, don't be a fag
<brant> +w
<brant>  /MOTD
<Insanity> Yup, I see, you're gonna be a fag. Damnit.
    The stupidity makes me want to literally die. Not figuratively, literally. What happens to these idiots? Yeah, they get heckled, sure, but what matters is that they still make it into a position where they could become a gigantic nuisance. Once it was so bad to the point where Xires actually set the topic to: So you want to register eh? | Try !help | If you ask others for the code you will be banned!! | THIS IS A TEST TO DETERMINE YOUR ABILITY TO EDUCATE YOURSELF ON THE SIMPLEST OF TASKS! IF YOU CANNOT PASS FOR YOURSELF, YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!
I remember that day. Once the idiot who enraged Xires figured out how to get the code, that same idiot decided to help his many other idiot-lings on getting the code....which should be in clear violation of the rules...
    "If you ask others for the code you will be banned!!". I do not see that rule being enforced. I think in the whole time I've been on the IRC, I've seen one banned (in #register), and it wasn't even for asking people for the code. I think it was also at the same time MrJ was feeding his idiot-lings the code, but it's been a while and I can't remember well. Idiots usually come into #register, ask for the code, and having no repercussions they continue onwards with their idiotic tendencies. All I know is that Evilzone is not exactly doing well in what they purport.... "Quality/Quantity" is not something that has been accomplished in Evilzone. It's not impossible, either, there could definitely be some sort of quality-control. They could hash the code, give a little registration test, just...anything......please........
    Plus, I'm not the only one who thinks this, clearly evident by not only truecam but the many others who I've seen talk about thier disgust for Evilzone's lack of an ability to weed out those with an IQ under 70.

I think the quality is pretty good. It s a no nonsese moderating system. I mean. If you ask something you can google, this will be said. The more 'difficult' things are discussed. For me, this is the only forum I like to follow. It may be bullshit or bad quality for you, but I already learned a lot with just reading the topics.
HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! Hmmrmm, sorry about that, but...just...what the fuck is wrong with you?
Do you not know what quality means?
"It s a no nonsese moderating system"....uhuh...yeah...
^ Retarded thread. Obvious reasons.
^ Retarded thread. Obvious reasons.
^ Retarded thread. (For anyone who already has done their research....which is not many....)
^ Retarded thread. Person doesn't even know what he's talking about. (This one is a little harsh, I'll admit it.)

I could go on...and these are only threads in my unreads. (I check my unreads pretty much daily) The problem here is that a lot of the volume of EZ are these threads and posts. If you take them away, EZ will pretty much be left with a very minuscule amount of content.
If you think that the threads you see on EZ is difficult, then by all means continue to learn and grow here. Just don't hold the whole fucking forum back because you can't understand the difference between good quality and bad quality posts/threads.

No drastic action needs to be taken.

Poor or random posts are dealt with or not counted.

The karma system is good.

The test is suitable for all skill levels.
I think unless your head has been in the sand since you joined, you should know that drastic actions are being taken. We're "moving" to IPS.......
(I put that in quotes because the due date has passed, and I'm not sure whether EZ is going to just give up on the whole project. That would be dispicable, seeing how much time and effort people like iTpHo3NiX and DarkVision spent on going through the mirror, and how Xires and Kulverstukas have spent so much money on it....which are only a couple things that would have gone to waste)
"Poor or random posts are dealt with or not counted." that isn't true at all. Take a look at your own post count, for instance. And, in case you need more prodding to understand, check out my reply to dimi.
    I agree that the karma system is fine, that was never a problem nor was it presented as such. The karma system is not meant to signify someone who is smart or anything, it's just meant to signify how much people like you. You can be a genius with great posts, but hated with a low cookie count. Or, you could be the most retarded person to walk the Earth with a high cookie count. Cookies are not meant to be taken into consideration when you think about the validity of someone's posts or the such. Not sure why you brought them up, they did nothing to further your point or anyone else's.
"The test is suitable for all skill levels."
    The problem is that....THERE IS NO FUCKING TEST!!! Holy fucking shit, and what skill level are we trying to reach?! The ability to type: "!help" then read, then type: "!code" again?!? Holy fuck nut, you must be the most retarded person to walk planet Earth if you think that, THAT system is enough to keep out people who are completely worthless. It's ridiculous. You don't understand. You don't hang around all day watching all these stupid people getting the code, knowing in your heart that later that day there will be 5+ retarded shitposts or threads in your unreads....for each person....people who spam the damned boards on philosophical threads or on threads that are made up solely of what your favourite song or whatever is....just to hit the 20 post count. I find it very aggravating, and so meh.

/* I'm out of anger now, so yeah, I'll go back to my corner of brewing hatred. This all may seem like me being an asshole or just bitching, but if Evilzone continues being a cesspool of nonsense then eventually people will get tired of it's bullshit. :/ */

Science / Re: [URGENT] Chemistry Homework Help
« on: January 13, 2016, 02:05:26 AM »
Insanity, you're waaay to kind!

I tried to be subtle :P
After all,
who knows how he was going to react...
Just wanted to make sure I didn't chase off any potentially *cough cough*vile*cough cough* amazing forum members :)

Science / Re: [URGENT] Chemistry Homework Help
« on: January 11, 2016, 12:03:52 AM »
Alright, I got this exercise in Chemistry, I need to have it finished by tomorrow or else I might fail the subject... If anyone could PLEASE fill the table below, that would be amazing and I'd really appreciate it..

I assume most of you would know what to do, unlike me (P.S. Please don't bother explain me how to do all this, I need this finished ASAP, like right now...) :P


Oh, this is surprisingly easy,
and only requires a little bit of math:
Gallium      Ga    31     69.723
Oxygen      O      8      15.9994

Fluorine      F       9      18.9984
Uranium     U       92    238.0289
Cesium       Ce     55    132.9055
Krypton      Kr      36    83.8

Yttrium        Y       39   88.9059
Osmium       Os     76   190.23
Uranium       U      92    238.0289
Rubidium      Rb    37    85.4678
Antimony      Sb    51    121.76
Einsteinium   Es    99     252
Lanthanum    La    57     138.9055
Fermium       Fm    100   257

104 Letters             

104/2 = 52
52/2 = 26
26/2 = 13
2 + 2 + 2 = 6
3 many 6s would be 666..... :O
13......666......maybe we're getting somewhere......

WOAH! Look at that!!!!
The uncapitalized letters: (a, e, r, s(x2), b(x2), a, m)
Can spell out: BAM, ARE, SAM, EAR, BASE, MARE, MASS, MAR, ect....
It seems to be pointing to the Atomic Mass...maybe there's another clue there...

*Atomic #s:
Total = 782
782/666 = 1.174174174
A group of three numbers...repeated three times....
3 (#s) + 3 (xs) = 6

*Atomic Masses:
Total Mass = 1949.7533
1949.7533/6 = 324.9588833..
324.9588833/6 = 24.159813888...
54.159813888/6 = 9.026635648
Dividing by 6 three times....
Final answer having three 6s....

I've noticed that there are a lot of masses with 3 places...
Such as: 257, 83.8....3 places.....666 has three numbers...
Also, looking at Oxygen's Atomic Mass (15.9994)
999...upside-down is 666...COINCIDENCE?!
I think not.

666!1!1!!!1! DIEEEEE!!1!!

(Oh, and you're a faggot, go fuck yourself)

cant see the content

Well, that's because the Evilzone wiki is down right now,
(Well, at least I believe so, meh)
but if you really want to see how exploit development works...Google is there waiting for ya <3

General discussion / Re: What were your Christmas presents?
« on: December 26, 2015, 09:21:14 AM »
You have a poor judge of character.

I can't deny that.
ferf was one such person I totally misread,
and that's on me.
Even if everyone here was horrible,
you guys still let me screw around when you guys could easily kick me out.
I don't know.
I still love all you dudes,
even if I am a naive, gullible kid :P

General discussion / Re: What were your Christmas presents?
« on: December 26, 2015, 05:39:45 AM »
Oh, thats sad.... Im sorry!

Christmas should be the best time of the year; and due what i´ve read in your first post, it wasn´t the best day for you, am i wrong?

uhm ...  :'( :'( :'(

Aww, don't be sad! lol
I think of it this way:
I've got EZ,
where I get to learn about my favourite topics and talk to all you amazing people!
You guys are good enough for me

General discussion / Re: What were your Christmas presents?
« on: December 26, 2015, 03:53:09 AM »

General discussion / Re: What were your Christmas presents?
« on: December 26, 2015, 03:22:08 AM »
Have you had luck or naaa?

Tell us about it!

I got nothing.

Got 2 pairs of socks and a hug...   :-[  ( life sucks!!!! )

Lucky bastard...
Thank the person who gave you the socks and hugs,
don't be an ungrateful bitch.
They didn't have to give you shit, and with that attitude,
I'm surprised they did :P
I want a hug :(
Socks for me would be nice too,
You can send those socks to me, then!! :D
Merry Christmas, anyways xD

News and Announcements / Re: Board restrictions to new members
« on: December 23, 2015, 09:04:22 PM »
Sweet mother of christmas there are a lot of leeches. Maybe you should remove users if they don't post or comment frequently enough.

some people don't post unless they have something helpful,
or useful to say....
Which means for some people they won't post often unless there is a perfect aligning of the planets....
You should actually learn from them considering all your posts that really aren't helpful or asked for. :/

But you are kind of right,
there are a lot of leechers.

Though I have not seen you much white_noise, so your a leecher in my eyes. So maybe you should get removed.  ??? [size=78%] [/size]

I agree with truecam.
If you're going to propose such worthless ideas I think you should be held to the same standard.

News and Announcements / Re: Merry christmas 2015!
« on: December 23, 2015, 02:29:25 AM »
On behalf of the Evilzone staff I want to wish you all a merry christmas!

Marry Christmas ande!
I hope you all have a wonderful time! :)

Creative Arts / Re: Making Profile Pictures Like Mine.
« on: December 19, 2015, 07:11:21 AM »
Same design as mine just PM me your colour and name you want It to display, doing this for something to do.

...You do know that doing something like that is metaphorically the easiest thing on earth?
If someone needs someone else to do something like that for them,
I'm confused on how they managed to use Google to find this forum, let alone register.
Now I'm going to be all grumpy, after your horrid intro and this shitpost, lol
Thanks for ruining my day.  :)

Projects and Discussion / IRC Discussion Of Tests In Programming
« on: December 14, 2015, 09:38:01 AM »
[12:15.00] <%thewormkill> I should mention that I am not a big fan of tests, especially in functional programming
[12:15.04] <%thewormkill> but this...
[12:15.05] <Insanity> Wy not?
[12:15.08] <Insanity> why*
[12:16.00] <%thewormkill> because testing is a concept inherently flawed when it comes to verifying software correctness
[12:16.09] <Insanity> It is?
[12:16.25] <%thewormkill> yes
[12:16.28] <Insanity> Hmm
[12:16.31] <%thewormkill> you want an explanation?
[12:16.36] <%thewormkill> I have 15 mins
[12:16.40] <Insanity> Sure, if you're up for it
[12:16.51] <%thewormkill> sure, just post the IRC logs on the forums
[12:16.58] <Insanity> Me? :o
[12:17.18] <%thewormkill> well, the basic idea with testing is that you create examples that are intended to prove your components work correctly
[12:17.37] <%thewormkill> Insanity: yes, you. I don't post my own logs, people who listen to me do
[12:17.40] <%thewormkill> ;)
[12:17.49] <Insanity> thewormkill, lol, what would it be posted under? xP
[12:18.03] <%thewormkill> now, if you want to prove something in mathematics, you can't just use an example
[12:18.08] <%thewormkill> Insanity: dunno, you choose
[12:18.14] <Insanity> Kk, sorry, continue
[12:18.31] <%thewormkill> Because an example is no proof. Instead, your proof needs to be universally quantified
[12:18.42] <%thewormkill> meaning that it succeeds to work for each possible input
[12:19.15] <%thewormkill> so we have two options: either write formal proofs for each and every thing (hard, often impossible, not everyone
[12:19.20] <%thewormkill> 's thing)
[12:19.47] <%thewormkill> OR we just tets our code with each possible input (impossible, ugly, bad idea)
[12:20.14] <%thewormkill> now, those are the "perfect" solutions that should guarantee correctness
[12:20.34] <%thewormkill> Now let's look how that problem is handled in real-life ecosystems
[12:21.04] <%thewormkill> In dynamic languages, you are beaten up if you do not use Unit testing to verify correctness of your code
[12:21.39] <%thewormkill> 's components. If you do not, the dynamic typing rears it's ugly(?) head and kicks you in the butt as soon as you change one component
[12:22.06] <%thewormkill> and this introduces regression testing which verifies inter-component logic after changes to individual components
[12:22.16] <%thewormkill> now, Insanity, do you see a pattern there?
[12:22.24] <Insanity> Kinda, yes
[12:22.43] <Insanity> It seems circular
[12:22.48] <%thewormkill> yes it is
[12:22.54] <%thewormkill> because you can write bad tests
[12:22.59] <Insanity> Wow
[12:23.03] <%thewormkill> and add more complexity to a system already complex enough
[12:23.19] <%thewormkill> so yeah, this is not a solution in the common sense.
[12:23.29] <%thewormkill> Now let us look at more advanced systems
[12:23.40] <%thewormkill> For instance, property-based testing
[12:24.06] <%thewormkill> that's a pretty nifty concept: The test framework provides methods to describe propertties of your code
[12:24.17] <%thewormkill> basically "examples with a variable"
[12:24.44] <%thewormkill> After you specified those, you run the tests, and the framework generates random data to fill in the gaps
[12:25.21] <%thewormkill> that's much better already. It actually shows you bugs. But, it is hard to think of an appropriate test for, say, an IO routine
[12:26.21] <%thewormkill> and since this kind of system is afaik only available in the world of functional programming, this leads to more problems with testing IO heavy tasks, due to the way pure functional programming languages handle IO and side-effects
[12:26.31] <%thewormkill> But all this still leaves us with one problem, Insanity
[12:26.33] <%thewormkill> we can
[12:26.46] <%thewormkill> certainly write tests like this
[12:26.49] <TungstenX> A test / QA should be a pedantic main in the ass and mine at work is a 3 finger proctology exam!
[12:26.56] <TungstenX> *tester
[12:27.11] <%thewormkill> and we need to, otherwise we will be fucked up heavily when writing python or ruby
[12:27.22] <Insanity> TungstenX, shut it
[12:27.37] <%thewormkill> but with property-based testing we need to define properties of our code... which means we need to describe our code
[12:28.19] <%thewormkill> depending on how small your code's tiniest units are, you might end up with a general inability to write tests
[12:28.23] <%thewormkill> BAD
[12:28.29] <Insanity> That would be, lol
[12:28.36] * m0rph ( has joined channel #Evilzone
[12:28.36] * Evilbot sets mode +h m0rph for #Evilzone
[12:28.41] <%thewormkill> Insanity: so yeah, we end up either being circular, or not fixing anything
[12:28.52] <Insanity> I understnad, now, damn
[12:28.56] <Insanity> understand*
[12:29.03] <Insanity> m0rph, welcome back
[12:29.06] <%thewormkill> so obv. the wheel is broken, we need to invent a new one IMO. Or find a revolutional approach

Hardware / Re: Choosing between 2 laptops
« on: December 12, 2015, 11:05:15 PM »
So the time came to upgrade my laptop to a faster one. I mainly do development and when running an IDE that eats 1GB of ram, then Firefox eats up another 300mb, then a VM another 500mb and that results in a painfully slow browsing, development and a Pentium CPU that is screaming in agony.
Now I can't decide between these two laptops (don't suggest anything else from amazon or other places! I am choosing between these two!):

The specs are pretty much equal, but the second option for 10euros more has a GeForce external VGA but no full-hd screen that the first option has and I like the first option more for the look. I am leaning towards the first option currently.

But those are the details, what I can't find in any review is how is the performance of those handling memory-heavy IDE's and virtualization? I can't put in SSD because I need space.

So thoughts?

I personally don't use laptops very often, so I don't have much to say on that part,
but personally I've had a lot of bad experiences with dell products.
I'm not the only one, either, I'm sure.
For example, they used to sell a product with a charger that wasn't the correct shape... will regret it!
I hope you pick whichever one is best! <3

General discussion / Re: Birth of a New Meme
« on: December 05, 2015, 01:03:18 AM »
some sexy man cleavage their...any sauce on who it is?
As in "I found this" no clue who it is, some random moobs on the net

I thought it was someone on EZ's tits....but I will give no names unless he comes out and say it, lmao, thanks so much!
If they really are his tits, I bet he's going to be mad!

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