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Messages - blacknieve

Pages: [1]
Web Oriented Coding / Re: Best PHP resources
« on: November 18, 2015, 11:19:39 AM »
If you're gonna learn PHP, you might as well learn the rest.

One of the best books I know:

You can get it for free if you look into the right places.

Beginner's Corner / Re: 1st successful MITM attack
« on: November 18, 2015, 10:53:38 AM »
Still waiting on that reply.

Hope you haven't forgotten your promises. It's been 10 days already and my neighbor problem is getting bigger. xD

Beginner's Corner / Re: Book Requested!
« on: November 18, 2015, 10:44:52 AM »
If you want to learn about
donĀ“t want to waste a long long time reading some crap!

Sorry to break it to you, but you have to learn how to read and learn then.
You don't just read everything. Read through the lines.
I went through a tech book in about 3 hours and learnt everything that I needed.
You'll miss some important details occasionally, but nothing that CTRL + F in the book or google can't fix.

Just pick any book, read through the lines and practice stuff you've learned as soon as you've learned them.
Hands-on experience is much better than reading any book.

Use books as a guide and google as your bff, rather than literature.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Enhanced Text editors
« on: November 08, 2015, 03:17:52 PM »
no need for sublime/atom here, not to mention IDE's full of unnecessary bloat.

Sounds about right.
However, up until now, I've never even considered the fact that I might run VIM on Windows.
(only running windows because of my workplace requirements)

I'll see if I can configure it the way I want it in the following weeks and will return with an edit, perhaps.

Thanks for the additional info.

Projects and Discussion / Enhanced Text editors
« on: November 04, 2015, 11:02:31 AM »
Well, it was time to give something back already!
Not sure if there's anything related already posted, but if it is, I'm probably horrible at searching.

I'm very sure that most of you are aware that we have the option to use enhanced text editors.
What are these? Glad you asked.
They're basically the unholy child between notepad/vim and any IDE ever.

The main point of this thread:
I've seen quite a few people ask for lightweight IDEs for various programming languages because they don't like, hate, have an older PC than my grandma, have projects that are too simple to use an IDE or simply get confused with Eclipse/NetBeans(Java)/IntelliJ/others and a simple text editor do not satisfy them on the same level.
This is where Enhanced text editors come in. With diverse language highlighting, customization on colors and other weird voodoo magic.

I personally have used Notepad++ and I'm currently using Sublime Text.
(there's been a lot of hype surrounding Sublime Text and while I understand why, I don't necessarily condone it. It's a useful tool,  but come on, it's no Fallout)
While I have no complaints for neither, I've found Sublime text nicer for when you need to edit multiple rows at the same time with the same info (really useful on 10+ rows) and various other selection and editing functions that come in very handy.
They both have syntax highlighting for a lot of languages too!(no, I don't think they have Prolog and LISP)

Let me know what you think about this subject and if you found anything better.
(+ smart tips on how to use them beter are always welcome, although Sublime Text has quite a comprehensive documentation and settings are quite easy to do)

Beginner's Corner / Re: 1st successful MITM attack
« on: November 04, 2015, 09:50:21 AM »
I got some noisy neighbours as well.
I think I could do the same with a MiTM attack, but unfortunately, I'm kind of new at this. I really have no idea how to do it yet because I haven't invested some time.
As a side note, if I'd find anything compromising, I'd definitely print it and leave it at their door or something.

Some good pointers and other things to look out for would be cool.

Please, do share your experience. I'm eager to read all about it.

P.S. It's not boring for the ones that are new to the stage, such as myself.

General discussion / Re: Mental illness?
« on: November 03, 2015, 08:41:51 AM »
Well, I can't say I've been diagnosed with any condition(never been to a shrink either), but from what I've read from wiki and various other med articles and sources, I'm probably bipolar and was definitely depressive at one point. Contemplated suicide very seriously and read up about it, decided that it was definitely not worth it, so I might as well just live my life and do shit. That's how I surpassed the depression. Took me 2 years...

And right now, I just have weird moments when I want to cry for no goddamn reason. They pass in like a minute or two. And then I'm aaaaall good again and ready to do whatever the fuck I want.

Oh and if it wasn't illegal, I'd kill a looooot of people without any regret whatsoever.
I'd still literally kill some idiots, but right now I'm just too paranoid I might get caught.

Pages: [1]

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