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Messages - Linton

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Computer books
« on: October 31, 2015, 02:30:55 PM »

     I've just finished reading "The Dark Net" by Jamie Bartlett and thoroughly recommend it to anyone that has an interest in Computer Crime. It's shows how the Dark Net came to be and how cyber criminals use it to their advantage to distribute Child pornography and drugs. It's really interesting and I was actually pretty disappointed that it ended so quickly (I couldn't put it down).

     Another good book I highly recommend is "We are anonymous" by Parmy Olson. It describes how "anonymous" came to be from 4chan and other image boards. It's really interesting reading about how White Hat security firms tried to infiltrate the group so many times, causing it to disband into smaller more controlled hacking groups. It mainly focuses on Lulzsec and how they took down websites like SOCA and Sony; along with interesting techniques they used to social engineer each other (no more spoilers!).

     I am now wondering what book to read next. I have been looking at "The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World's Most Wanted Man" by Luke Harding but I have heard the book is very Anti-GCHQ and NSA and I would prefer a more balanced opinion book. Can anyone recommend one?


- Linton

Anonymity and Privacy / Cyberghost VPN sale
« on: October 31, 2015, 02:10:08 PM »

    I noticed that Cyberghost has a 50% off Halloween sale making it around $30 for a year of premium. I am currently using Cyberghost free and find it adequate for myself but I have reports that Cyberghost keeps logs of their free users.

    I'm open to other VPN's as long as they don't cost that much and have good speeds; but I'll mainly just be using it for web browsing.

Here is a rundown of the VPN's I've used in the past:

  • Hola - Avoid at all costs
  • Betternet - Good speeds but would often get random disconnects
  • TunnelBear - 500mb limit a month for free users. Good speeds and locations but they keep logs.
  • Cyberghost - Pretty good. Unlimited for free users and a good amount of servers. Possible log keeping for free users(?)


- Linton

Pages: [1]

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