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Messages - logart

Pages: [1]
Anonymity and Privacy / Re: How to create an anonymous forum
« on: November 03, 2015, 04:07:52 AM »
Thank you! Yes, people use forums! To ask questions, creating their own growing threads, etc. Is there a way to force users to use vpn's to enter the forum?

I kinda want to make a forum in XENFORO. I don't want a blog or website what i need and the users is a forum, message board kind of thing.

like - Cannabis forum

Or like Mushroom cultivation forum Mushroom cultivation forum based in XEN FORO.

Anonymity and Privacy / How to create an anonymous forum
« on: October 31, 2015, 10:56:47 PM »
ello! My name is logart. I don't come here to be a hacker or anything. I need assistance of how to create an anonymous forum/message board. The thematic of the forum that i want to create is not entirely legal. I mean is not anything bad, is about growing cannabis for personal use.

I was in a cannabis forum as a moderator but the admin closed it for legal issues in Spain, got scared and closed the website. However I don't live in Spain, so i won't have those issues, i hope.

So my main goal is make the forum totally anonymous for the owner. I need assistance to know the options i have.

Thank you very much.

Pages: [1]

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