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Messages - Cyran

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Hacking and Security / Re: Removing McAfee Endpoint Encryption
« on: October 20, 2015, 07:45:14 PM »


Thing is I cant boot from USB. The option doesn't exist in boot menu, only hard-drive and Ethernet. And I cant unlock it in windows because I don't know the account password. I could never imagine it would be this hard..

I can only see maybe removing the CMOS battery would do the trick, but its no guarantee. Sadly I dont have the expertise to do that myself, never done it on a laptop.

How and when was the point you hit the wall when doing this. Somewhere in booting from the drive I guess, but what actually happend, error messages or something?


But anyways I think it has something to do in the way you formated that hard drive. Quick format? If so then e.g. MBR is still untouched. Maybe reading this will help you:

Or read this atleast(safeboot is old name of mcafee eep):

I got through all steps in the guide, except maybe for the last one. It passed but I got some message telling me that something was locked or denied I'm not sure. But the problem is that the encryption seems to be located in UEFI so it doesn't matter that I formated the drive. Quick format or something else it will still not erase the encryption. As soon as I booted with the formated drive containing the bootable windows 7 the McAffe background screen showed up asking me for the password.
EDIT: To answer your question I did use quick format.
EDIT2: I'm probably talking gibberish because I'm no expert, its just what I think. What your telling me is probably correct but this is all rather new to me, I'm overwhelmed atm.

Staff Edit: Do not double post

Hacking and Security / Re: Removing McAfee Endpoint Encryption
« on: October 20, 2015, 06:59:12 PM »
This might be your lucky day. What model elitebook do you have?

BTW - have you tried this?

It's a 8570p. Sadly what's suggested in the link doesn't work. Takes me straight to the BIOS Login where I have to enter password. Even if I where to remove the CMOS battery under the keyboard theres no guarantee that it would work from what I've read recently... Not to mention the trouble of just removing that battery..

Hacking and Security / Removing McAfee Endpoint Encryption
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:46:29 PM »
Found a thrown away HP Elitebook at work with McAfee endpoint encryption and its impossible for me to gain access to it or install a fresh OS.
1. I've removed the harddrive, docked it, deleted volume and formated it successfully.
2. Did this

Reason for doing 2, is because I cant boot with CD/DVD. It only finds harddrive and ethernet in boot menu. I cant even get access to BIOS because it's password protected.

What boggles my mind is how the McAffe Endpoint encryption can still survive after the format.. Seems to me that it nested itself somewhere else and not in the hard-drive so that what I'm trying to do wont be possible.
What do you guys think?

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