General discussion / Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« on: January 27, 2016, 09:29:17 PM »
I can't help you much there. You know it's like trying to show someone how to break an egg it seems easy for the guy showing it to you but it's still not easy for you. First of all you need to understand the concepts just be able to follow the tutorials or videos or ebooks you read in the right way. If I show someone in my class what I do they would not understand it even when repeat it for the hundreth time. Someone who never had to do something with computers is going to complain about things that are simple because he has never seen them before. And for your question about how to get someones ip address. There is a little command in cmd: netstat -ano. Just chat with the person on facebook and you are connected with the person(you basic information). And now you have to trace the ip addresses and look for the right one.-->the remote ip