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General discussion / Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« on: January 27, 2016, 09:29:17 PM »
I can't help you much there. You know it's like trying to show someone how to break an egg it seems easy for the guy showing it to you but it's still not easy for you. First of all you need to understand the concepts just be able to follow the tutorials or videos or ebooks you read in the right way. If I show someone in my class what I do they would not understand it even when repeat it for the hundreth time. Someone who never had to do something with computers is going to complain about things that are simple because he has never seen them before. And for your question about how to get someones ip address. There is a little command in cmd: netstat -ano. Just chat with the person on facebook and you are connected with the person(you basic information). And now you have to trace the ip addresses and look for the right one.-->the remote ip

General discussion / Re: Current Careers & Aspirations
« on: January 27, 2016, 09:17:31 PM »
I'd like to do something with affiliate marketing. After I graduate I'm fully trained for the economy sector. But I still would like to go to the university and study something like IT.

General discussion / Re: What Inspired You?
« on: January 27, 2016, 09:13:26 PM »
I was always in front of the pc cause when I was young I hadn't much friends and I got bullied at school. Later on it was more like learning new things rather than playing video games. I was much interested in how things work and what I could do in a more deeper way. And so on. I'm still the tech-guy in my class. I mean in my highschool.

General discussion / Re: Where are you from?
« on: January 27, 2016, 09:09:39 PM »
I'm from Europe, Austria, Lower Austria :)

General discussion / Re: Dream Car?
« on: January 25, 2016, 10:26:31 PM »

General discussion / Re: pornhub redirects
« on: January 25, 2016, 10:21:37 PM »
That's a normaly done so in Affiliate Marketing. Some people want to advertise and so pornhub let's them put their ads and banners on their site. Pornhub get's the money for the placement from the person and the advertiser(the person) gets the traffic(very important). Now if the advertiser is a private person and is in some cpa networks and/or other affiliate programs and the banner or ad is connected to it (also google adsense) this person gets money for every new registration,and/or every click,..... that has been made through this link. There is much more to say, just an example. :)

Beginner's Corner / Re: Where to begin?
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:57:38 PM »
Start with something that you want to do on the beginning. It doesn't help you when you start with (you see that's the problem you don't have the right question and answer). Just think about something you want to hack and search on google for it. (But please don't search for software to hack facebook accounts or something like that) because you will not find anything because nobody will post something like that on the internet so easy. You have to be laser targeted.Example (How to hack adobe flash games). Also don't search for something ridiculous like how to hack the electric suitcase.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Self teaching advice?
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:47:06 PM »
Best thing would be if you focus on that what you want to learn first this helps you to step into the other things you will learn later. I wanted to learn how to hack adobe flash games. I started with this theme. And then later the other things. But I don't suggest you to learn action script(-->the programming language of adobe flash)because adobe flash is somehow dead already. Even Steve Jobs hated adobe flash. But if you want then (you will need fiddler, charles proxy and a swf decompiler software)

Beginner's Corner / Re: Questions on what I should focus on learning.
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:26:07 PM »
I suggest you to learn programming. Maybe start with python since it is easier to learn for beginners. Programming because everything that works with electricity is programmed somehow. Also start with penetration testing. Then you should start to write your own scripts and programs. As an example I was interested in learning how to modify apk(Apps) so I went to google and started to learn a little bit about it-->Some words(Smali programming, xml programming or arm programming(for phones)). As an example when you open an apk(phone) in IDA pro to disassemble it you will find yourself in arm code. You see if you want to learn hacking you need to learn how to program. A tip if you want to open .lib (library files) of an playstore game you will need IDA pro same for other .lib files that are not from an apk. If you want to hack something you need to understand how it works. When you decompile an apk you will find many folders but mostly you will only need the smali folders and the (lib files(you will find when you decompiled it)). You can also manipulate the payment process in the smali code in some apks. After you finished with editing you need to recompile the apk and then sign it to be able to install it on android or iPhone. Sorry wrote to much :) . For more info (You know: Google and Youtube).

Beginner's Corner / Re: Opinions on "BEST" WIRELESS CARD
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:48:58 PM »
Don't know if it helps you but on this site:, they let you put killer wireless into your notebook which you can set up.

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