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Messages - Pythogen

Pages: [1]
Scripting Languages / Re: Python based self-propagation [USB distribution]
« on: November 08, 2015, 01:48:30 AM »
Might look into this more laters and give my feedback, comments.


Someone give us a TODO embeded in the forums, hehe. I am sure i am going to forget.

Cool! I've modified a few things. More comments included and a bit cleaner. Thanks for considering it! Silent USB distribution is/was always fascinating to me.

Scripting Languages / Python based self-propagation [USB distribution]
« on: November 07, 2015, 01:13:44 AM »
Something I've been playing around with,

The crawl method searches the drive for file formats specified in the code in order to concatenate code or general data.

The driveScan method is designed to scan accessible drives A: to Z: for external device infection using the autorun exploit.

DriveScan loops until a new drive is found to be a accessible dir (when the device is inserted via usb) and copies itself as an exe (file execution directory / compiled with py2exe) to the located drive for infection. It also creates or overwrites autorun.ini for execution on vulnerable operating systems (Window XP and Vista) then finally hides both the newly copied executable and the ini file ending the infection process.

The process is continuous. The script's main priority is to scan for drives and distribute itself.

file extraction may be useful for injecting code into html files or rewriting python and ruby files.

Just something I wrote for fun and wanted to share. It's perhaps a foundation to some sort of malware due to the fact the only purpose is self-distribution..

Scripting Languages / py2PHP Keylogger [Python, PHP]
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:37:13 AM »
Hello! I've constructed a basic keylogger using basic Python modules enabling the windows executable compilation with py2exe. This keylogger doesn't use predictable network socket communication, but rather http to deliver data.

Simple design:

You simply host the index php file on a remote host and configure the py file to connect directly to the hosted file. Put the link in the 'log2url' variable and then run the py file. Every keystroke is logged and sent via POST to the php file where it is stored in a newly created text-file by the simple php code. Every keystroke is appended to the hosted text-file.


Make sure you compile with windows rather than console config with py2exe.


Thus, hiding the form from whoever opens the windows executable.

Check it out if you'd like:

- Pythogen

Pages: [1]

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