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Messages - flying_blind

Pages: [1]
Operating System / Re: To all the people running Windows 7 and 8.
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:08:22 PM »
Sadly not many people outside of security seem to care about privacy these days.

This is true but I believe that most people don't care because they don't realize what are the possible implications for a lack of privacy.

C - C++ / Re: SSH Scanner [Source Code C]
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:38:19 PM »
I haven't tested it, I opened it to take a look at the source code and I closed it. Writing code using indentation is optional it is true, but do not expect people to read that code.

More over I believe that you should give credit to the source you copied it from as with a quick Google search it looks like that this code was posted to many forums and with the same lack of indentation.

Projects and Discussion / Re: IPrekt DDNS - A free No-IP alternative
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:27:48 PM »
The tool seems to be working fine. I created a domain to test it out and so far everything fine. I just noticed that during creation it freezed, not allowing me to edit the domain field. In order to solve this I had to close the page and open it again. Refreshing didn't work.

The only thing that it is not very clear is for how long the service will work. In other words, how do you stop it? It looks like that the only way to stop it pointing to the original address that you chose is to actually set the IP to something else, which is not a very elegant solution in my opinion (no clues about the legal aspect).

Suggestion: it looks like a normal user can create how many accounts he wants. In my opinion you should provide the service only to registered and authenticated users and limit the amount of domain that one can create. Otherwise it is possible to simply create thousand of domains which are just garbage as it also looks like that a created record doesn't expire (maybe not true, but this is what it seems).

Hacking and Security / Re: Remove Laptop BIOS password.
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:18:04 PM »
If you are worried about the warranty then you should contact the manufacturer. If you are the owner of that computer they can actually help you with that issue. Notice also that even if you try CMOS battery removal or other such methods that involve opening the laptop, they might not work.

Pages: [1]

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