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General discussion / Re: "Speed-reading"
« on: October 18, 2015, 10:36:58 AM »
He has many interesting articles, but the one i'd like to emphasize is spaced repetition. Basically just using flash cards, but the whole idea really hits home. It really comes handy learning programming/languages or basically w/e you want to remember. Probably the most known software to use is Anki, they also have mobile version for it.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Seagate: apparently back dooring HDD's
« on: October 17, 2015, 06:33:05 PM »
I'm sure it took a lot of dedication to find that particular glitch, there is no safe system. Wouldn't really bash seagate, they have nice hdds.

General discussion / Re: "Speed-reading"
« on: October 17, 2015, 06:17:31 PM »
Yes, you can read fiction and novels like this, but when you actually want to learn something? Do you really think you are able to comprehend complex ideas by just going scanning the text? If so then, you wouldn't be here. It works on some level obv, mostly to find information. There is no need to read the whole book if you are looking specific information, therefore you scan it. Everything has its own place, don't buy this marketing crap people are trying to sell you.

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Webhack/debug php/javascript
« on: October 12, 2015, 03:09:35 AM »
You are wasting your time, it's not gonna work.
Here's how it works.

You create account

GET /users/register_thank_you.php?saveGame=true&guestId=60447780
Then it triggers this
GET /users/ajax/daily_spin_popup.php?action_token=df1dd1d3c5ade92804693d81c77e3d6a

This action_token is nothing magical, as far as i could tell it's pretty much static, never the less. Server actually verifies how many times you have spinned, so there is no cheating.

And now it triggers this

GET /data/images/OWDailySweepstakes.swf?prize1=token:50&dayOfWeek=7&numOfDays=0&inTFActionToken=df1dd1d3c5ade92804693d81c77e3d6a

These arguments are just for flash, in reality nothing depends on it, besides showing that you won 50 tokens.

And now the last part.
GET /users/ajax/activate_promo_item.php?rewardSpin=1

I assume it does pretty much what it says it does, activates what you won.

Your price is created on the server side, you can't manipulate it just by editing some fields on the client side.

GET /users/ajax/daily_spin_popup.php?action_token=df1dd1d3c5ade92804693d81c77e3d6a

This is was creates your price, token is probably just your username and that's it.

End of story, but good luck anyways.

Pages: [1]

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