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Messages - Biokinetix

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Corner / Re: reaver - further course of action
« on: January 25, 2016, 12:40:15 PM »
you could try mdk3 to try and reset the router after it locks up or rate limits. try:

mdk3 wlan1mon a -a <MAC> -m

unfortunately if it does work, it only resets the router so reaver can have another go but it will do the same again.

Also you can play around with some of reaver's commands. try the following command which worked for me in the passed:

reaver -i wlan1mon -b <AP BSSID> -c <channel number> -a -L --dh-small -vv -d 5

Takes a long time but you should eventualy crack it. hope it helps

You can also kill all the listed interfering processes one by one. try that.

airmon-ng check
kill 747
kill 743

or whatever your process numbers are. after killing all the processes, just run airmon-ng check again to see if they are all infact killed. hope it helps

Beginner's Corner / Re: Help with Airodump-ng (not working)
« on: January 25, 2016, 12:09:23 PM »
Hi. Something you can also try is:

airmon-ng check

then kill all interfering processes

kill 747 (process number)


airmon-ng start wlan1

ifconfig wlan1mon down
iwconfig wlan1mon mode monitor
ifconfig wlan1mon up

This ensures that your card is infact in monitor mode. I had this problem some time ago. Hope this helps.

hey guys.thanks allot for your replies. It's always good to have input from other like minded people. I have compiled quite a huge wordlist using Crunch from information I was able to gather from the victim. I used ID numbers, names, surnames,names of children, name of their businesses ect,ect. I combined all thoses information with Crunch as it can output a wordlist using combinations of the various information. No luck so far. But thanks again for taking the time to reply. I guess it's time to get back to good old hashcat and start cracking again.

Beginner's Corner / Help needed with hccap cracking (WPA/WPA2 passwords)
« on: January 25, 2016, 02:26:33 AM »
Hey guys! i realy do appologise if I'm posting this in the wrong section. Ok, so I have been using KALI linux for a while now and have become pretty successfull at hacking wifi AP passwords. Been using the aircrack suite in combination with Reaver, Wifite, Bully ect. Cracking WPS enabled routers have become a piece of cake. However, cracking newer routers or AP without WPS enabled is quite another story. I have spend a LONG time trying to crack some of them.

I managed to capture a few handshakes for various AP's witch I have already converted to ".hccap" files to be able to crack them with CudaHashCat. I have some big wordlists and also created some of my own custom wordlists using Crunch. I created a pretty big wordlist in crunch using gathered information about the owner of the AP. But unfortunately I havent had any success so far. Been running hashcat for weeks while trying different modes eg brute-force, hybrid dict + mask ect.

Im someone that will try all available options before asking for help. I even did a "Evil Twin" attack and had everything set up but my signal just wasnt strong enough to get clients to connect with my AP instead of the original AP. So yes, I realy have tried.

So basicaly I'm stuck at cracking these passwords. Any help with cracking these passwords will be much appreciated. I have included:

Original handshake capture cap files
WPA cleaned cap files
Hashcat ready hccap files

Thanx guys

Hacking and Security / Re: Great links/tools to learn from
« on: October 04, 2015, 08:56:25 PM »
Thanx allot for the list. This will keep me busy for a while going through all those links. The firefox bookmarks are a awesome added bonus. Thanx

News and Announcements / Re: Board restrictions to new members
« on: October 04, 2015, 08:30:55 PM »
Hi guys. im new around here and was looking all over the board for threads containing the hack tools, software, scripts ect, because i have lots to contribute in that section. So I started reading through the difirent thread sections and luckily stumbled accross this post. To be honest, I was quite confussed. But after reading through most of the replies to this post, I realise that the admins make some pretty valid points. Although i cant access any of the threads and stuff that im looking for yet, I know that its a means of seperating the wheat from the chaff. Which, imo makes this board pretty unique.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: The Art of Anonymity
« on: October 03, 2015, 03:00:37 AM »
Awesome thread and very, very informative unlike most other site's info on this topic. most people forget about all the various angles one need to cover with regards to anonimity and privacy. Big up to u for taking the time to write this.

Rep: +1

Pages: [1]

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