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Messages - l3uk

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Operating System / Windows 7 OS Problem
« on: October 01, 2015, 07:49:13 AM »
So one of my lap tops got a trojan and it effected some dll files so I decided to reinstall win 7 then maybe do a full install of kali 2.0. I used to have oracle virtual box and kali 1.0. Why am I doing a windows install first? because Id prefer to do the full kali 2.0 on my third laptop instead. Anyway, my problem is the Getac laptop with the problem didnt come with an operating system CD so I used another win home premium 7 cd but the serial key isnt valid. Whats my question? Other than go through any more of the online keys or use a generator, Id like to crack the win 7 install CD so I can use it again. The question is how can I do this? Im by no means elite and at most a script kiddie and my knowledge is very basic in all areas these days so as I learn I need to find answers and forums seem the best place to do it so Im here. Can I use kali 1.0 to make the install CD usable again? Id just get a torrent but for something like an OS it seems the most risky thing to do. Any suggestions and ideas are much appreciated, except trolling. I already know my abilities and lack there of so dont waste your time talking about it since your redundancies only prove your life as that boring. Thanks.  8)

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