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Messages - novaccainne

Pages: [1] 2

Nothing, I thought you wanted to tease me :)

O.o... What is the point of this?

C - C++ / Re: Check if a string is inside a string
« on: December 16, 2015, 09:51:59 AM »

First, I would like to thank you for your kind coment :) Your ability to communicate with other people is simple amazing. I think if you want to learn something then you need to buy a few textbook/coursebook and you have to learn how other people did things and how certain techologies work.  I guess the reverse engineering and code analyzing means nothing for you because you can solve everything by youself  :) The fact that we are using mobile phones now is the result of a long process that built on each other. It means that peope were taught each other. Othewise, it wouldn't hurt you to read a publication which is written by a professional engineer since it is easy to learn stupid things (and use them later) by yoursef.
You might learn reading on your own way... but I think someone has taught you to read and you didn't discover the letters by yourself ... I think I can not say more for this abusive and unimportand and wiseacre post... "re-inveting the wheel" means something completely different thing...

novaccaine - You would actually listen to someone cheap and stupid enough to use wordpress websites?? Fuicious is correct, it is a proper mind set, to both question, and understand the simple things we take for granted. You may see it as "re-inventing the wheel", but real hackers see it as "Oh, that's how it works", or "Hey, if we try this, we can increase our overall throughput by 20%". How the fuck you think we have mobile devices, and tables? By fuckin re-inventing the fuckin wheel.

Hacking and Security / Re: Top books you would suggest about hacking?
« on: November 12, 2015, 11:26:34 AM »
- The Hacker Playbook, Practical Guide To Penetration Testing
- The.IDA.Pro.Book.2nd.Edition.Jun.2011
- The Shellcoder  039 s Handbook  Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes  2nd Edition
- The Web Application Hacker  039 s Handbook  Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws
- Violent_Python_A_Cookbook_for_Hackers_Forensic_Ana
- Writing Security Tools and Exploits
- X86 Assembly Language and C Fundamentals 2013
- XML Security
- Reversing - Secrets of Reverse Engineering.
- SQL Injection Attacks and Defense
- Sockets  Shellcode  Porting  and Coding   Reverse Engineering Exploits and Tool Coding for Security Professionals
- Prentice Hall - Thinking in C++ Volume 1, 2nd Edition.pdf
- Prentice Hall - Thinking in C++ Volume 2, 2nd Edition.pdf
- Professional Assembly Language (Programmer to Programmer).pdf
- Professional Penetration Testing  Creating and Operating a Formal Hacking Lab.pdf
- Programming in C (3rd Edition)
- MASM_Programmers_Guide.chm
- Metasploit Penetration Testers Guide.pdf
- Metasploit Toolkit for Penetration Testing, Exploit Development, and Vulnerability.pdf
- Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ 1993.chm
- Algorithms in a Nutshell.pdf
- Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4.chm
- Art Of Intel x86 Assembly.pdf
- Assembly Language Step-by-step: Programming with DOS and Linux.chm
- Assembly Language Step-by-Step: Programming with Linux.pdf
- A.Bug.Hunters.Diary.pdf
- Addison Wesley - C++ FAQs (1998) .chm
- Addison Wesley - C++ Standard Library. A Tutorial And Reference.chm
- Addison Wesley - Fuzzing Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery 2007.pdf
- A Guide to Kernel Exploitation Attacking the Core.pdf
- Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ 1993.chm
- Nmap 6 Network Exploration and Security Auditing Cookbook
- Foster - Buffer Overflow Attacks - Detect, Exploit, Prevent (Syngress, 2005)
- Hacking The Art Of Exploitation

Sites :


Hacking and Security / Re: read out IP-Header
« on: October 28, 2015, 10:54:02 AM »

That realloc() call for each token found is really an ugly idea though..

Also your last couple lines could be this instead:
Code: [Select]
res = realloc(res, sizeof(char *) * delims + 1;
res[delims] = 0;

No need to increment and store the value of delims + 1 in delims if you are going to subtract from it afterwards.

Yeah, you solved a big mistery :)

Code: [Select]
printf("%s",( 0xff | 0xf1 == 110 | 011 == ((int)true) == (int)!false || 0 | 0 ) ? "Yeah that was a good feedback ..." : "I made a mistake");

.. but thank you for the feedback :) 

Just for fun :)

Code: [Select]
 ~/fun  cat test.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char** split(char *s,const char *delim) {
        int delims = 0; char *p = strtok(s,delim), **res = NULL;
    while(p) {
       res = realloc(res,sizeof(char*) * ++delims); // allocating memory
           if ( res == NULL ) exit(-1); // there is no more memory , allocation is failed
           res[delims-1] = p;
       p = strtok(NULL,delim);
        // adding last element because of the null 
        res = realloc(res,sizeof(char*) * ++delims);
        res[delims-1] = 0;
        return res;

int main () {
  char buf[] ="it is just a simple example for fun";
  char** data = split(buf," ");
  for(int i=0; data[i]; i++)
     printf("%d = %s\n",i, data[i] );


C - C++ / Re: Check if a string is inside a string
« on: October 06, 2015, 03:55:58 PM »
Yeah, but you need to include a whole library to do so. Regardless of that, I don't see anything wrong in trying to understand the functions we usually take for granted.

But, why don't you look for it on goggle if you would like to implement strstr ?

Just for fun :

Code: [Select]
if  type(myarray) is list and  len(myarray) > 0 :
sum(myarray)/len(myarray) == sum([x for x in myarray]) / len(myarray) == reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,myarray) / len(myarray)

Reverse Engineering / Re: [?-HELP] Reverse enginering
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:52:49 PM »
I have a little problem with the first ReverseMe, When I start it in OllyDbg it says: Cannot find the entry point SendDlgitemMessageW the procedure in the dynamic link library C : \ Windows \ System32 \ ole32.dll

You may got the above exception message because it might be there is no entry point of the SendDlgitemMessageW procedure. Did you check it ? Have you fully watched the video ? 

Reverse Engineering / Re: [?-HELP] Reverse enginering
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:47:20 PM »
Hi , I think there are a lot of good books are published on the internet but I think you should start it with Lena's reverse enginnering tutorial because it shows you the power of reverse enginnering and of course the basics of reverse engineering.  You can download it from tuts4u. It is a very good primer for everyone :)

A lot of good articles can be found on  infosec resources : .

Tuts4u is also a good site :

RCE forum is also a good site :

Reverse Engineering / Re: What book to begin with
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:44:29 PM »
Hi , I think there are a lot of good books are published on the internet but I think you should start it with Lena's reverse enginnering tutorial because it shows you the power of reverse enginnering and of course the basics of reverse engineering.  You can download it from tuts4u. It is a very good primer for everyone :)

A lot of good articles can be found on  infosec resources : .

Tuts4u is also a good site :

RCE forum is also a good site :

I really don't understand how signatures are working but I suspect it would not be easy to play off the NDA :( But, if this book is given as pdf then it can be converted to doc for editing and creating a new pdf which does not contain any signature. Anyway, I thought that no one would risk his own cert :)

Hacking and Security / Re: Welcome to DarkScript
« on: October 06, 2015, 11:11:32 AM »
There are a lot of way to decrypt it if it is a symmetric (serpent) encrypted data , so ...

Pages: [1] 2

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