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Messages - Silver Archer

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: College or not? Need advice
« on: February 13, 2016, 09:29:24 AM »
I would say go to college if you can.
It is true that a lot of things you can learn by self or even you are working there is no 100% that the working knowledge is come from college, but still the college is guiding you at your starting point. Besides that, having classmates that have same interest will boost your motivation in the area, also some of the knowledge you will get from your classmates or your friends.
And sometimes college will have some field trip to the course related company for student to actually have a look on what they are going to do after graduates, it is a great experience and it does help.
A college degree also will be considered if you apply for a job, certainly you can have some professional exam and get the certificate, but a college degree showing not only your talent but also your attitude at school and how social you are. A company would not hired a person that is good at his field but knowing nothing about socialization. There are a lot of people out there, through college you can meet them.
Anyway it is my little advice based on the advice I heard and my experience in college.

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