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Messages - zbrm

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Beginner's Corner / Re: Enrolling into College
« on: September 26, 2015, 09:46:40 AM »
First off, iTpHo3NiX. Just shut up..

The rest of you, try finding me a place I can (reliably) learn Latin online, or somewhere that will teach me to paint 18th Century art.
Yes, these are classes that are included at my community college.

Seriously, you guys shouldn't be here if you can't manage this little bit of innovation.
And you call yourselves hackers.
"...Rob a bank." Fucking stupid.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Enrolling into College
« on: September 23, 2015, 06:33:39 PM »
First off, hold up.This is BS. I pride myself in being an autodidact, as I'm sure many others on this forum do. School won't give you any more subject matter than what you can find yourself, or give you any more drive to commit to learning.

As for paper vs. electronic documents, the difficulty for both is going to vary widely. The issue your friend is going to have would not be with the actual enrollment... hell, he could just walk into the registrar's office and enroll any time he wants. The problem is going to be with payment, in which case you're stepping into a whole new level of fraud charges if you do slip up.

I do agree with you that it can be done; I do not agree with you that it would be 'easier than you think'.

I would reconsider your idea, it would be an awful waste to succeed and put all this effort into going to school and then a) get pinched, expelled, and charged, or b) decide that post secondary isn't for you after two months and drop out anyway.

I didn't word this as well as I could have, because I didn't think it was needed.
While it's true you can learn a very large portion of information using technology, the fact is, it's all just random information, and generally, you have very little learning path to take. University spreads the information out in a proper format so you learn basics and build off of them with proper form, rather than mashing up bits of self-learned information.

@Greaseabilly There are probably other options to take that cost less or no money, but many I know of require you to meet certain specifications, and others' require you essentially give your soul and those of your children to the government. These are not things my friend is interested in.

What would the feasibility be, say, attending college, without enrolling, and without attempting to get any degree? Also, the legality? As I said, my friend doesn't want the degree. They simply wish to have the knowledge presented in an easily-digestible format, with a proper learning cuvce. They would do the homework, even, but they'd like to have it graded as well, which brings up problems.

This is a hacking forum. No, this is EvilZone. I actually read the rule threads before posting here. Did you? I didn't come to be babied. If what I ask isn't feasible, then help me find a workaround. What I fail at may help others' in the future, and what I succeed at may let me help myself.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Enrolling into College
« on: September 23, 2015, 09:35:09 AM »
lol you need to realize the enrollment is most likely done on paper, so you'll need to break in to change things, even then with your level of forging documents, it will be anything but successful. This is not a movie, kid, you can't "hack your way into college". The best thing I suggest you do is try harder, or stick around and learn on your own - in IT you don't need a degree.

Paper documents are easier to forge than electronic documents. If soik could get the enrollment paper in with better transcripts than they actually have, then it could be successful.
My friend failed every class in highschool, and eventually dropped out, obtaining their GED.

They aren't after the degree, and you can only learn things so well when using the Internet, and being self-taught.

I imagine it'd be easier than you think. It's all a matter of accessing the right people and places.

Beginner's Corner / Enrolling into College
« on: September 23, 2015, 08:45:43 AM »
Sorry for the baitey title, but it was kind of needed.
A friend of mine is not an experienced computer user, by any means, though they do put in a lot of effort. They have decent skill in building websites, but not much more.

Someone I know would like to hack themselves into being enrolled in their local community college. They have no money, and no way of taking out a loan. If they wish to attend school, this might be the only way.

I'm posting this thread to ask how they might go about performing this task, and what steps, in order, would be needed to ensure they made it into class with no negative repercussions.

This person understands that some social engineering skills would be needed, and possibly some web hacking skills, depending on how they went about the task.

Please share your thoughts and ideas, and help my my friend pursue higher education.

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