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Messages - Anonymous2389489123

Pages: [1]
Operating System / Does anyone know of a grsecurity replacement for Ubuntu?
« on: September 23, 2015, 03:43:46 AM »
They just left the open-source community this month and I don't want 2 gt pwnt.

Is there a single alternative out there that replaces it's features for Ubuntu?
Or possibly a bunch of different Open-Source programs that do what grsecurity used to do?

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Common Fallacy
« on: September 23, 2015, 12:24:49 AM »
If you are using multiple proxies then being compromised by the first one is not enough to link you to a connection. Just having the first one only shows you are connecting to proxy one and using that to connect to another.

It's the same reason why you only need two compromised nodes on a tor connection (the ends) in order to de-anonymize the user. Just having the first node won't be enough. It's also why there is a feature on tor to use more than three connections, but it's not recommended by the developers (no significant increase in security).

Anonymity and Privacy / Common Fallacy
« on: September 22, 2015, 02:50:55 AM »
Remember guys,

Statistical analysis will reveal you if the first and last node you connect to are compromised/subpoenad. If you use six different proxy servers, the only thing a government or adversary needs access to to find out that you pwned a machine is the first proxy you connect to and the last proxy you connect to. Using statistics and packet analysis, they can figure out those two are connected without having to lead the chain down whatever proxies were in the middle.

Three servers between you and a client are pretty much as much as you want. The ones in between your first and last proxy server only serve to make it harder to tell that those two at the ends were used in the same connection. Anything beyond that really only serves to make your internet slower.

Pages: [1]

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